I am losing my mind.

Apr 16, 2003 18:32

Warning: long boring rant ahead.

So we're moving. Again. I've moved, counting several half-moves in which I only had to move part of my stuff from one place to another, roughly ten times in the past seven years... since I left for college, I've never lived longer than one year in the same place. So needless to say, I'm a little sick of the whole process.

So I'm a little stressed out, and tired, and it's starting to show. I overslept yesterday, almost got in an accident on the way to work because I just didn't see a car coming when I was turning out of our apartment complex... and then I was half an hour late (which was bad, considering I get the raised eyebrow from my boss when I come in five minutes late). Work was fraught with the usual technical difficulties, and my boss is trying to teach me some of the stuff she does in preparation for her upcoming vacation, so my workload has increased, and increased with number-crunching paperwork, at which I am awful because attention to detail? Not really one of my strong points. I finally get the hell out of work only to realize that I've lost my debit card somewhere. I called my bank and cancelled the card, but it will be a week before I get a new one. So when I'm at the store today, I go to use one of my credit cards... and discover that it expired. In February. And somehow I completely missed the new card they sent, if they sent one... Plus, I didn't get my tax shit together in time, so I had to file an extension, and now I'm all worried I'll somehow get screwed with interest rates and penalties.

I just feel... out of control. Coming apart at the seams. Not a good feeling.

Good news: I have the day off on Friday. And I have a new future husband: "Ultimate" Drew Goddard. Because "Dirty Girls" blew my tiny little mind, and I loved every second of it. I mean, I loved some of it in a horrified, oh-my-god way (Xanderwillbefine Xanderwillbefine Xanderwillbefine Xanderwillbefine). But I loved it all. Completely knocked me on my ass. And Spike and Faith? SO FUCKING HOT. I had no idea those two would have so much chemistry... And how nice to see the two of them get to really be themselves for a moment... bonding over their mutual outsider-ness, not worried about being judged, just taking one tiny moment to be comfortable and friendly and happy in the midst of all the crap they're enduring. And Drew writes dialogue better than anyone save Joss. And Caleb as the flip side of Jasmine... :shiver: Nothing freakier than a villain who actually believes what he's doing is right. I cannot wait to see where they're going with this.

personal, btvs

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