There is nothing in this post of any interest whatsoever.

Nov 17, 2005 14:39

I'm siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick. And I have to re-write my co-worker's article because he's out sick, and I don't know anything about the topic, and I'm siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick. Sore throat, awful headache, yuck. I'm not sick enough to stay home, but sick enough to come to work and whine about it. YAY.

So I'm listening to the BSG soundtrack while I write, and it occurred to me that I don't think I told you all the geekiest thing I've ever done in the name of fandom. (What, me, procrastinate? Clearly this is vital information that must be conveyed RIGHT NOW!) I played "Wander My Friends" (that would be track 23 on the BSG soundtrack, also known as the music from the end of "Hand of God") as our attendants walked down the aisle at my wedding. AND I LOVED IT.

OK, I will grant you, this was not technically in the name of fandom, and Irish music was sort of a theme in our ceremony (we played "Star of the County Down" as I walked down the aisle, which my husband has always said is "my" song [possibly because it is one of the only songs in history about a girl with brown hair], and rogairedubh played the uilleann pipes as we recessed, and that was pretty damn awesome, and also HELLO CALL ME PLEASE, BROTHER OF MINE, YOU ANSWERED MY POLL SO I KNOW YOU ARE ALIVE). But still. Pretty geeky, no?

The geekiest thing I've ever done in the name of fandom, specifically, was go to Vancouver with sdwolfpup in the hope of stalking running into various celebrities. It was a hilariously disastrous trip, and we ended up in this restaurant across the street from the studios, eating nachatos (they are nachos, only made with potatoes instead of tortilla chips! And they are also rather dry and tasteless, although they don't tell you that on the menu!) and waiting for said celebrities to happen upon us and make us their BFF. There were no celebrities, but we were treated to a lovely procession of the oldest people in Canada, who were coming to this restaurant to take advantage of the kickin' Senior Menu. GOOD TIMES.

And oddly enough, my article has not written itself as I have been doing this. DAMMIT.

random, personal, bsg

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