
Nov 15, 2005 09:33

So, thanks to... well... pretty much everyone, I just watched the new BSG promo.

First of all, I am totally unspoiled for the new season except for this promo, so if you comment, PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL ME. I will be very sad if you do.

Anyway. Oh, Lee. My little angst-muffin. *ruffles his angsty hair* I am actually quite curious as to what would push Lee to that "very dark place," given all he's lost/dealt with already. (My husband: "He finds out he's a Cylon." Heh. I don't think they'd go there yet, but that would certainly do the trick.) Anyone else thinking of "One Breath" in those Lee-floating-in-the-water shots? Anyway, it is all very intriguing, particularly considering that they have a pretty significant external conflict to resolve, too.

Also, I don't know if you noticed, but Kara hugged Lee. Not a mutual hug, not him hugging her, but KARA hugged LEE. I feel like, for Kara, this is one very small step away from declaring eternal devotion. Sniffle. Theirloveissorepressed!

ETA: I could be wrong, but it certainly seemed that Lee was in Kara's bunk. Why was Lee in Kara's bunk, do you suppose? Not that I think they finally gave into the inevitable and had the hot monkey shagging, but Lee in Kara's bunk cannot be a bad thing, can it, no matter how it happened? Especially Lee angsting in Kara's bunk. That is ALMOST as good as hot monkey shagging.

ETA3: Aaaaand I am wrong, and zorb the Eagle-Eyed is right... it's not Kara's bunk. Sigh. Now I want to write fic where Lee ends up in Kara's bunk somehow. *headdesk*

And this is somewhat random, but for the record, I am open to Lee/Dee, as long as the breakup with Billy is dealt with (somehow) in a non-horrible way. Ultimately, I totally ship Dee/Billy and (obviously) Lee/Kara, but I don't want Lee and Kara to get together till much closer to the end of the show (due to the prevailing TV wisdom that successful romantic relationships are boring to watch, which would mean horrendous angsty breakup for Lee and Kara if they did get together anytime soon, and no thanks). And besides Kara, Dee is about the only woman on Galactica awesome enough to be worthy of Lee, and the foundation for all of this was definitely laid at the beginning of S2, so... yeah. It has enormous suck potential, I will grant you that (the dreaded LOVE TRIANGLE, please no!!!), but it could also be done well. And it's not that I'm all LEE/DEE 4EVA; I don't think that's ultimately where the show is going, so as long as I get Lee/Kara eventually, I'm happy to have Lee get some from someone else in the meantime, and I adore Dee, so. GO FORTH AND MAKE OUT, LEE AND DEE. And I will continue to read (and probably write) Lee/Kara fic to satisfy my cravings in the interim. ;)

Also, re: the SG-1/SGA/BSG preview that Skiffy ran at the end of the last episodes before the hiatus: Skiffy, if you think that showing me Ben Browder crying is going to tempt me to watch SG-1... you are totally right. DAMN YOU.

ETA2: And how much do I love that I had absolutely no idea this promo was coming, yet within minutes, practically, of it airing, it is available to me from several different sources? I love you, internets!

I am Posty McPosterton these days. Crazy.


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