The world needs an alternative to boutonnieres.

Dec 11, 2012 13:20

Man, I was in such a BLACK PIT OF DESPAIR EVERYTHING IS THE WORST NOBODY LOVES ME mood yesterday (which I attribute about 50% to hormones and 50% to my continued failure to attempt to find a therapist) that MWK's "Anodyne" came on and I found myself unconsciously totally identifying with it instead of finding it adorably over-emo, as I usually do. RED ALERT. *facepalm* (YMMV on that song, of course.) I worked out this morning, though, and that made me feel better--damn you, endorphins, you win again!--and then I came in to work and looked through a bunch of the photos from the gay wedding festivities in Seattle on Sunday (sadly, I could not attend, since I was visiting the lovely desfinado, along with the lovely
zabira [and a special appearance by the lovely dugrival via Star Trek phone Skype]), and it's pretty much impossible to be unhappy while looking at all those happy happy people. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

So, some links:

60 Moments That Gave Me the Chills During Seattle's First Day of Marriage Equality (this one has been making the rounds, and rightly so--it's incredible)

And, by the same author: 45 Things I Learned On Washington's First Day of Gay Marriage and 18 Declarations of Love From Newlyweds In Seattle (this is the one that made me bawl)

Also, one of my really good friends got married, and he is so happy and I am so happy for him, EEEEEEEEEEEEEE. ♥__♥

In infinitely less significant but still awesome news, did you know that Patrick Stewart has a Twitter account? I JUST DISCOVERED THIS. And if you did not know, now you can see him assembling his Christmas tree in three stages (the second one is THE BEST OMG). Also, he and LeVar Burton tweeting each other. WHAAAAAAAAAAT. SO ADORABLE.

Also, I just had a chance last night to watch last week's Parks and Rec, and I have a few thoughts, firstly that I am SO SO HAPPY that Jerry finally got to WIN AN EPISODE, OMG. I love that show so much and pretty much the ONE thing I consistently dislike about it is how mean everyone is to Jerry--it seems so incongruous on a show where everyone is generally pretty awesome to each other--so I looooooooved seeing him get to shine in a totally Jerry-like way. I also LOVED Ben and Chris hanging out, and Ben being a good friend, and Chris moving past some of his issues, YAAAAAY! Also I super-enjoyed the Ron/Leslie/Diane/Tammy plot; Megan Mulally is so freaking hysterical, and I love the Leslie/Ron friendship SO MUCH and I liked the way they went with it here, that a close friendship isn't (usually) a threat to a romantic relationship, but that that friendship still might have to change a bit. That felt true, and a little more complicated treatment than that sort of situation normally gets on TV, so I appreciated that.


ETA: OH. Did you see (I'm sure you've seen) this LOTR Project thing? Look at the timeline-with-map! That is AWESOME.

This seems like kind of an exceptionally gloomy winter so far, doesn't it? Or is it just me? I hope all your days are going well! ♥

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twitter shenanigans, yay!, sharing is caring, parks and rec

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