And nevermore will I catch myself in the nets of a heartache

Nov 09, 2011 10:58

Well, it has been an interesting few weeks at my house, but election day seems to have generally yielded-to quote from an article I read last night-"victories for Democrats and/or sanity," so that is good, and bitchinparty registration was a lot of cut-and-pasting in the service of getting to see this totally badass group of fangirls, which is an exchange I will make any day of the week and twice on Sunday, AND my brother called me last night to tell me that he got engaged! AWWWW. AWWWWWWWWW. He sounded REALLY happy, and I really like his now-fiancee and they've been together for years now and they seem really good together, so. AWWWW. AWWWWWW. I am so happy for him! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

In TV news, Young Justice has totally grown on me since it's been back, and Community may be the first show ever that I am enjoying more watching it week-to-week than I did marathoning it. I have no idea why, but I'm glad for it. I am also still enjoying New Girl, though it is OTT at times, and I always feel like it's kind of on the verge of veering into something that makes me uncomfortable, but so far, they've stayed on the right side of the line, at least for me. I mean, Jess is sort of implausibly naïve, but ALL the characters on that show are REALLY WEIRD in their own ways, so… I think it balances. And one thing I really appreciate about it is that even though the guys she lives with will tell her to be less weird, more often than not, by the end of an episode, they are all exactly on board her weird train and totally embracing it. I feel like this is the opposite of what happens on Bones, where Brennan is brilliant and capable and yet-in recent seasons, at least-the underlying message is, fairly often, that she should be more "normal." So I appreciate that New Girl ends up coming down on the side of Jess' quirkiness more often than not; I mean, when they can turn one character saying "penis" to another into a sweet character moment, I'm kind of impressed with that. (Also Jess' friendship with CeCe is great, and I hope it's something they continue to develop--they just barely passed the Bechdel test last night, so. CLOSE. KEEP DOING THAT. Hee.)

Speaking of Bones, I have a few mostly-shallow thoughts. Okay, so I still feel cheated that after YEARS OF BUILDUP, we were denied the actual how-and-why of how Booth and Brennan finally got together, seriously, YOU CANNOT DO THAT, PEOPLE. (I'm still hoping for a flashback down the line or SOMETHING, because SERIOUSLY. YOU CAN'T DO THAT.) That said, they are SO CUTE TOGETHER OMG and ACTUAL ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP ON TV THANK YOU FOR THIS RARE PLEASURE. (I mean, Angela and Hodgins are INCREDIBLY adorable as well and that makes me really happy-especially with the new baby, oh dear lord that is a cute baby-but I just get so tired of the Moonlighting Syndrome freakouts, so to see the central couple actually get together is a really nice change.) I've always said that Bones could support an established relationship with very little change to the overall dynamic, because Booth and Brennan have been so freaking ridiculously about each other for so long, so. THANKS FOR BITING THE BULLET, SHOWRUNNERS, even if you made some seriously questionable choices in execution.

Though I continue to be disappointed in the writing on this show, as a whole; last week's episode had good things at its heart, with Booth and Brennan's family pasts coming back to haunt them, but-as seems to often be the case with that show these days-everything felt pretty rushed and pasted on and so the potential got mostly wasted, IMO. What worked, worked primarily on the chemistry and skill of the actors. And so I still enjoyed it, because I enjoy them, but it always makes me miss the days when this show was really deftly written, too.

Also, Tamara Pierce is pretty much the most gorgeous woman alive, I think.

In other news, I am going to see Peter Mulvey tonight with zabira and sdwolfpup, and I am SO looking forward to this. I've seen him twice now, and both times I have left just full of joy; he has such warmth and cheerful energy, it's like sitting in front of a fireplace with a friend on a cold night. (Also he is really big on literary allusions, which always makes me swoony; when I saw him here with Jeffrey Foucault a year or so ago, he was doing a Mississippi John Hurt cover, and then on one verse he started in with, "Make me a willow cabin at your gate," and Jeff looks over and goes, "That's not Mississippi John Hurt," and Peter Mulvey was like, "Yeah, well, it's the twenty-first century, I can do that now, ASSHOLE," and it was HILARIOUS. Oh man. That show was one of my favorites I've ever seen, just totally magical from beginning to end.)

I'm actually going to a lot of fun shows in the next couple of months, ones I am looking forward to somewhere on a scale from Woo! to OMFG OMFG, so I thought I'd share a song from each of them, just for fun.

- Peter Mulvey - Kids in the Square and Peter Mulvey - Letters From a Flying Machine (just because the letters on that album are what make it magic; seriously some of the most beautiful things I've ever heard)
- Kane - Seven Days (we are going to this at least partially for the lulz, and because Christian Kane is going to LOVE the Tractor Tavern, holy shit)
- I have no mp3s handy for Pickwick, but I have this video, taken outside at an ampitheatre at Seattle Center on a totally delightful evening that I spent with Z (major points if you can spot either of us in this video-hee)
- Hell or Highwater - Crash & Burn (this will be at El Corazon, which is dive-y in a very fun way but possibly a TERRIBLE place to see a band like this, from a getting-squished perspective; WE SHALL SEE, it will be interesting!)
- Headstones - Unsound (OMFG OMFG; is anyone going to the second Vancouver show? I'm debating about it)
- And I am (more's the pity) not going to be seeing him anytime soon, but since it's Andy Skib's birthday today: To Have Heroes - Take the Blame

In conclusion, have a (NSFW) burlesque performance from Kira von Sutra. As dugrival said to me in email, "I HAVE A QUESTION: COULD KIRA'S AMAZING ASS BRING ABOUT WORLD PEACE? I THINK MAYBE YES." Seriously, Kira. SERIOUSLY. AND she cries alone in her apartment while reading Harry Potter. KIRA. I LOVE YOU. ♥_♥

i am a sad sad fangirl, to have heroes, sharing is caring, hell or highwater, jeffrey foucault, dcu, community, music, headstones, peter mulvey, come to our bitchin' party, bones, kane, fans are awesome, kiraaaaa, neal fucking tiemann

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