Jenifur's your side gig

Oct 11, 2011 09:39

I had super-fun at Geek Girl Con on Sunday, but I still have to write all that up, so instead I want to talk about how I am really bummed about Neal Tiemann maybe possibly leaving the Anthemic forever. I mean, this is, like, twelfth-hand information at this point, so who knows, and I'm hoping that the fact they haven't made an official announcement means that it's not set in stone yet, but still. Sadness. I'm disappointed that I won't get to see him, and this just feels so ABRUPT, after he was such a part of the writing and recording process, and all the initial album support; I can see why Hell or Highwater is more his speed from a musical standpoint (and probably an audience standpoint, too), and I wish him well, obviously, but man. He was the first guy Dave called when he was putting his band together, and Dave has basically never performed without him since; he's Dave's SECRET WEAPON. And my brain can't help coming up with angsty scenarios around this, but I sincerely hope that's not how it went down (though it's got to sting a LITTLE, I would imagine, if your close friend of ten years leaves your band for another band, sigh); obviously Neal and Andy are fine (sniffle), which is comforting, and Andrew just drove down with Kira to see Neal's show so I'm taking that as a sign of no hard feelings on the Cook side of things. RIGHT? Right. (Sniffle.) (*duct-tapes them all back together*)

OTOH, Neal, if you want to keep tweeting about your intent to ravage your incredibly hot girlfriend, THAT IS TOTALLY OKAY WITH ME.

Anyway. desfinado gave me icons to talk about! YAY. I've never actually done this meme before.

HEE. This is actually one of those icons that I always forget I have; I thought it would be very useful when I first uploaded it, but I find fewer occasions for it than I expected! It is David Boreanaz as Seeley Booth on Bones, and I really enjoy his ridiculous face. I also really enjoy the episode that this is from; it involves Booth hanging out with a baby in an ovary-melting kind of way, and Brennan trying to entertain the baby by going, "DANCING PHALANGES!", which is one of my favorite things EVER, so. Good associations. :)

Ah, this is Benton Fraser from due South. sdwolfpup made me watch this show with her back in (holy shit) 2006, and I spent a very happy couple of years in that fandom/Canadian Six Degrees fandom (i.e., what happens when you watch a Canadian show and realize that the actors in it are a) awesome and b) in everything else ever made in Canada, so you suddenly have a very long list of things to watch). So I do indeed fangirl Canada, because it has brought me some of my very favorite media (Slings and Arrows [show of my heart!], Hard Core Logo, THE MOTHERFUCKING HEADSTONES), contains some of my very favorite cities (&Toronto; &Vancouver;), and introduced me to VERY many of my very favorite people here on the internets (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). So thanks, Canada! ♥ Also I just love the colors in this icon, how crisp and deep and clear everything looks.

This, desfinado, is a guy named Gerard Way, from a band called My Chemical Romance. I think you might like them if you tried them? IDK JUST GUESSING. :D This is from their Kids From Yesterday performance on BBC 1, about a year ago, and this might actually be the first moment I really fell in love with Gerard. At that point I was still just listening to The Black Parade obsessively and loving the music, but not really moving on to being interested in the band as people, and then zabira showed me this one night and Gerard is just so TRANSPORTED in this video, with his big shiny eyes and half-open mouth and his little fingers tapping on his heart, it just ENTHRALLED me. AND he sounds so great (this was, at the time, the best I'd ever heard him sound live by a LONG shot), and the rest of the band does too, with their quiet intent little faces, and Frank's little grin at the end, AWWWW. So yeah. This icon is all about the first time I really GOT what I later learned is the heart of this band (for me), all about the power of inspiration and that lethally unguarded sincerity that Gerard projects so well. Hence the keywords "give us the radio." :) I looked and looked for an icon like it, but couldn't find one, so I capped this myself and sent it to sdwolfpup to make it pretty for me, because she's awesome at that. <3

FRAAAANK. FRANK IN HOBOKEN. SITTING ON THE SIDE OF THE STAGE TO WATCH GERARD SING. ♥_____♥ I just. For one thing, Frank is so goddamn hot in this show, with his shiny sweaty shampoo-commercial hair and his festival tan and that black t-shirt, holy shit, HE IS SO FUCKING HOT. So that's happening here, with the graceful angle of his arm and his wrist and his pretty pretty fingers, and the tattoos all standing out in the light. Ngggh. Also he just looks so SPENT, exhausted but not ready to be done yet, which is sort of Frank in a nutshell, I think, along with how he loves this song and Gerard singing it so much that he will hang around and watch even when he has to do it right out in the open. ♥ (zabira and I have talked before about how Frank is totally living the fangirl dream: he got to join his favorite band and make out with the lead singer, his life is AWESOME, you know? Heee.) Plus I love this show so much in general; they're all so clearly exhausted but this crowd is ADORING them in this homecoming and it's awesome, especially in conjunction with the craziness of the Black Parade tour(s), PLUS there is a LOT of sweaty whispering and very little space to move around in and there are times when I think that MCR should do all their shows in tiny spaces because TOUCH EACH OTHER SOME MORE, BOYS, NO SERIOUSLY, IT'S FOR THE MUSIC. MCR Tours In A Box! I WOULD BE IN FOR THIS. Ahem. Anyway. IT'S PRETTY MAGICAL. And this is an exceedingly pretty show but an exceedingly difficult one to cap and icon, so my hat is off to spuzz for making this work; it was a VERY happy day when I discovered your MCR icons, Spuzz. <3

UNF LINDSEY WAY. UNF UNF UNF. So, funny thing, Lindsey was actually the first MCR-related thing that intrigued me: I saw icons of her back before I had any idea who she was (or who she was married to), and I was like HELLO, WHO IS THAT PLEASE? And I have a lot of girl-crushes, but man, Lindsey is near the very top of my list. I love that she's kind of shy offstage but also utterly uninhibited onstage; she just GOES for everything, with everything she's got. I mean, she was terrified at her audition for MSI and couldn't really play that well but SHE SMUGGLED IN BACARDI 151 IN HER BRA AND MATCHES IN HER PIGTAILS SO THAT SHE COULD DO A FIRE-BREATHING TRICK JUST IN CASE. I mean seriously. THIS IS A WOMAN I ADMIRE. And she's so fucking SWEET, but also so solid in herself that she brooks no bullshit, and she told Gerard "take the risk, not the money," which is amazingly fantastic advice (in that context) that I actually think of all the time, myself, when I am hesitating about something, and just. She's my hero, and that's all kind of wrapped up in this icon, where she's in the throes of something passionate and fearless and ecstatic, and being incredibly incredibly hot in the process, with the perfect sharp profile of her face and the perfect curve of her really awesome rack. as;dlkfjas;las;lf ;alskjf a;slfj a;slfj I LOVE HER.

Whee, that was fun! Does anyone else want to ask me about icons? And ask me to ask about some of yours?

I will end with a PSA: if you get Xfinity/Comcast On Demand, there are some cool things available right now: first, MCR's videos for "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" and "Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For the Two Of Us," both of which are adorable and strange and have endearingly low production values. Hee. ALSO MLB is doing this "20 Great Games" thing where if you go to Sports and Fitness and then MLB Network, you can watch, well, 20 great baseball games from the past, INCLUDING the epic Game 5 from the Mariners/Yankees 1995 ALDS (aka basically the most exciting moment in Mariners history to date, the climax of which makes me cry for half a dozen different reasons at this point), and the extremely super epic Game 7 of the 1991 World Series, where the Twins' Jack Morris blanked the Braves for 10 innings to win a 1-0 pitchers' duel. *_* I HAVE WANTED TO SEE THIS GAME FOR YEARS. So I'm pretty excited! (There are also, predictably, a LOT of games featuring either the Yankees or the Red Sox or both, so if that is your bag, you will find a lot to choose from!)

i am a sad sad fangirl, baseball, and the anthemic, omfg lindsey way, memeage, david cook was created in a lab, canada which i dig, headstones, slings and arrows, my chemical romance, bones, fans are awesome, make some eggs and see what happens, hard core logo, kiraaaaa, neal fucking tiemann

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