So paint it black and take it back, let's shout out loud and clear

Sep 04, 2011 19:37

HI LJ. It is Saturday ha ha, Sunday night and I have been taking it very very easy today, since for some reason, staying up insanely late and doing a lot of shouting and giggling on Thursday and Friday nights did not actually cure my cold, but in fact had kind of the opposite effect. WHO KNEW. (Would not trade a second of it, though. ♥) And I am in the post-show ALL MCR ALL THE TIME headspace of insanity, which is actually a slightly weird place to be, given that not all MCR thoughts are happy ones right now. (How proud am I, though, of the boys for going out and kicking ass last night despite everything, and of the fandom--at least the corner of it that I have been following around like a little puppydog--for responding to this news with love for the band and, essentially, group hugs for the fandom? REALLY FUCKING PROUD. You guys are awesome. *MWAH*)

ANYWAY. I got lost in the YouTube vortex for a while yesterday, so I thought I'd embed some classic (to me) happy-making MCR things here, just in case anyone else is looking for distraction.

First, the Dawn of the Dead Mic video (which I snipped a bit, since the original version gets a bit sad at the end and I really wanted to post it because it's the cutest damn thing of all time):

image You can watch this video on

For one thing, Gerard is more unguardedly dorky in this video than I have seen him since, like, LOTMS, and it is a THING OF UNSPEAKABLE BEAUTY. HIS RIDICULOUS FACES, GAAAH. <3 Also, just to recap: Gee uses the dead mic to comment on his own sweet moves, Mikey is concerned about "ruining the magic," Ray uses it to troubleshoot and to tell everyone how awesome they are, and Frank uses it TO DISTRACT RAY SO HE CAN STEAL HIS BEER. BE MORE FANON, BOYS, I DARE YOU. <3333

On the topic of Frank being a mischievous little shit, here he is fucking with Ray's mic, back in the day:

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This clip ends with Ray chasing Frank around Gerard's mic while Gerard does the chicken dance over on stage left. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.

Speaking of Teenagers shenanigans, here is one of my favorite clips ever, where Frank collapses laughing at Gerard being ridiculous, and then proceeds to reel him in like a fish:

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me_maneuver opined that Gerard's walk here is like that of a gay T-Rex, and I cannot help but agree. Anyway, I think the moral of this story is that Frank needs more to do during Teenagers. OR NOT. I am fine with Frankie's idle hands being devilish, actually. :D

This is one of my favorite Gerard/Mikey interviews, wherein MIKEY ACTUALLY TALKS and is adorably enthusiastic and they are both just so very, very nerdy and BROTHERS:

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BOYS. And finally, a Frank and Ray guitar tutorial:

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I have these saved on my hard drive as "German guitar porn," but really, they are guitar porn AND hand porn AND collaboration porn AND competence porn AND Ray and Frank loving each other and being adorable and awesome. Also, Ray Toro, please play riffs for me FOREVER. Kthx. (Ray also talks about Brian [Fucking] May in this one and I am just like, OH RAY, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW AWESOME YOUR LIFE IS GOING TO GET IN SEVERAL MONTHS. Eeeee. <33333)

So those are a few of my favorites. A few bonus links: Mikey laughing at Gerard's orgasm noises, a newly-returned Mikey asking the crowd what they're wearing (and Gerard GRINS at him and it's ADORABLE), Gerard asking the crowd if his ass looks fat, and Gerard telling the crowd that they are jewels and he wants to polish them up and put them in the pocket of his tight little pants. AS YOU DO.

ANYWAY. My point is that our band is amazing and they'll get through this, and in the meantime, I am offering silly videos and free hugs if anyone needs them. *HUGS*


fans are awesome, sharing is caring, my chemical romance

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