Aug 29, 2011 15:09

I am home sick today (BOOO, I had better feel better by Thursday, is all I am saying), but it has given me the opportunity to make some screencaps from MCR's epic Reading set, which I started flailing about on Friday and basically have not stopped. I have too many pictures for one entry, so I'm starting with my own personal highlight, AKA Ray Toro Has the Best Moment of His Life and We All Get To Watch. Like so:

image Click to view

So there are a lot of reasons this hit me so hard: one is that I was literally just thinking on the way to work on Friday morning (before I'd heard any of the rumors about this happening) that Brian May and Ray Toro are two of my favorite guitarists, and then a few hours later, THERE THEY WERE ON STAGE TOGETHER. Their hair holds all the secrets of the world! IT IS AMAZING. So this is like my 13- and my 33-year-old selves coming together in one giant conflagration of flail. Also there is the fact that Ray Toro is, to all appearances, the nicest guy in the world, and he doesn't get the limelight very often, and so watching him share the stage with one of his biggest heroes, watching him have that moment and watching the joy just come BEAMING out of him in giant waves, just fills my heart to bursting. And then they're playing Welcome To the Black Parade, which is THE MCR song for me, the one that encapsulates everything that they're about and that always goes straight to my heart anyway, even when they're NOT playing it with Brian fucking May in front of 120000 screaming fans with the eyes of much of the music world on them, so. It was a MOMENT (and clearly Mr. May enjoyed it a lot as well), and I am so happy for and proud of them that I am kind of speechless. Therefore: PICSPAM.

I took many of these caps myself; the larger, nicer-looking ones, I stole from spuzz. :)

So this was basically how it started (posting this one for Dewees' face, actually, it is SO CUTE):



RIGHT. And yes, I see you over there, Gerard, having the most beautiful eyes in the world, what the fuck:


ICU READING THE LYRICS OFF A PROMPTER, GERARD WAY <3 (I feel like maybe this should bother me, but it really, really doesn't; *I* am a huge Queen fan and I don't know all the words to this song [partially because let's face it, this is not exactly Queen's greatest song, and we have all heard it WAY too many times], and I actually respect that Gerard would rather get it right than fake it--that seems like a really professional choice to me, and also I find it ADORABLE):

Someone in the concert post said they'd like to hear MCR cover "The Show Must Go On" at some point, and I would just like to cast my vote out into the universe for YES YES HELL YES PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN SOMEDAY, because YES YES HELL YES.

ANYWAY. Back to what DID happen: nor rain nor snow nor sleet nor Brian May shall keep Frankie from his appointed sex faces:


And okay, I am really just posting this for Pedicone's face, and for the fact that Brian May's expression is HILARIOUSLY CLOSE to the Mousekat mask's expression:

LOL forever. But also, RAY'S FACE:

RAY TORO: PHOTOBOMBER OF JOY. Basically Ray hardly touches his guitar during this entire song, and he seems TOTALLY OKAY WITH THAT (which makes me love him even MORE); for this one song, he is essentially attending a concert that he also happens to be onstage for, and he is wringing every last drop of glee from the experience (these are all from totally different points in the song, BTW):


AS;KDJFA;SLDKJF ;ALSKDJFA; SLDKFJA ;SLDJA;SLDFFJ A;L GREATEST. Gerard, of course, wants more from the crowd:

Ahahahahahaha I love the look on his face; he's a little incredulous, I think? IT'S REALLY CUTE. (Also this feels like a good place to mention that I am REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY INTO Gerard's Party Poison jacket. NGGGH. Like, objectively I realize that it is maybe a little short for him, but I DO NOT CARE. I AM INTO IT. And also his pants [WOULD THAT I COULD BE], which I imagine took a village to remove, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.) And then, at the end of the song:

I feel like this worked out really well for everyone.

And then. AND THEN BLACK PARADE. AND I CRIED. And Gerard goes to his knees, as befitting a man confronting dual guitar gods (also you can see here that Pedicone has totally shredded his kick drum, AHAHAHAHA AMAZING; I suspect this happened during "We Will Rock You" but have not found evidence yet):

And there were SNUGGLES:

Brian May: totally into it:

Awkward Facial Expression Pictures (I am sure Gerard was not ACTUALLY horrified):

Intriguing Facial Expression Pictures (I feel like either Ray or Brian May or possibly both could have gotten very lucky that night, if they had been so inclined, is all I'm saying):

Brian May: yep, still into it (as is Pedicone, back there <3):

Ray and Gerard have a couple of "HOLY SHIT HOW IS THIS OUR LIVES" moments together during these songs, like so:

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. And I love how this whole thing is just very slightly awkward, because this band is a well-oiled machine and Brian May is not actually a part of it and so watching Gerard own that, awkwardness and all, is also kind of awesome:

Gerard: SO SASSY:

Frank: still making sex faces; Brian May: has yet to be not into it:

I also enjoy the fact that Brian May looks, at various times, like he's actually being CHALLENGED by this song, and do you know why? Because Ray Toro is a fucking awesome guitar player, and this is a fucking awesome song. \m/ And then there must be ALL THE HUGGING:

AWWWWW. This is blurry, but this is the best cap I could find of Frankie's totally overwhelmed face at the end, here; he looks like he's expecting to wake up at any second. And even as they take their bows, he never ducks his head, just keeps looking out at the crowd like he can't quite believe it. ♥ ♥ ♥ FRANKIE ♥ ♥ ♥ ALSO getting the ♥ here is RAY FUCKING TORO, who--despite the fact that he has his arm around his hero BRIAN FUCKING MAY and you would think that would be HELLA DISTRACTING, is still VERY INSISTENT that Dewees come out and join the final bows. AWWWW. AWWWWWWW. (And did Gerard say "my five brothers" this time? I think maybe he did.)

Ray's Best Day, Chapter XIVIIVXXXI:

And yet somehow, I get the feeling that if anyone is going home with Brian May after this concert, it's Mikey Fuckin' Way:

YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. Damn your ninja sexass, Mikey Way! DAMN YOU. <3

And that is that. Stay tuned for pictures from, you know, the rest of the show. Frank jumping around like a maniac! Mikey striking poses! Ray having the time of his life even BEFORE the Brian May portion of the program! Gerard making sweet sweet love to a monitor! It's gonna be good times.

And now I need a nap.

sharing is caring, unexpected intervention of brian may, my chemical romance, picspam, music

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