And in my heart I can't contain it, the anthem won't explain it

Aug 25, 2011 11:50


- Brought to you by my lunch today: last year zabira gave me the recipe for this cherry tomato and asparagus salad, and I linked it at the time but I'm linking it again, because it is DELICIOUS, and one of my summer staples. And it is tomato season! Though SO not asparagus season, but we can't have everything.

- In news of Totally Obvious Things I Just Realized: you know what Batman is NOT, in the Nolan Batverse? A detective. Like, at ALL. The "world's greatest detective." Who comes from, you know, DETECTIVE COMICS. Does not detect shit. That is… really a shame. (And yes, I stole that phrasing from Deconstructing the Complete and Utter Insanity of Batman: Odyssey, which still makes me want to pee myself with laughter.)

- So mistresscurvy posted some MCR things the other day and, okay, I know I am in that swoony new-fandom stage where everything seems like the best thing ever, but this post in particular is so filled with fantastic things that it actually makes me kind of ANGRY. Like, HOW DARE YOU BOYS BE SO GODDAMN DELIGHTFUL ALL THE TIME, seriously, I have SHIT TO DO, I cannot just sit here watching Frank and Gerard laugh at each other all day! GOD. So IDK, I'd recommend that post: it starts out with Frank saying that being on tour is like being a werewolf, and moves on to Gerard fellating his microphone (by which I mean it is actually IN HIS MOUTH by the end of the sequence), and includes Ray's thighs and Mikey being beautiful and Gerard and Lindsey being MADE FOR EACH OTHER and I just. Ugh. GOD DAMN YOU PEOPLE. DON'T MAKE ME GET AN ELEPHANT HEART JUST TO ENCOMPASS ALL MY LOVE FOR YOU.

- I spent most of my weekend last weekend watching mindless TV and writing and not talking to anybody, which it turns out I sorely needed, but sdwolfpup stopped by with Puplet for a couple of hours on Saturday and-among other adorable things-Puplet informed us that Beast (from Disney's Beauty and the Beast) is a yak. An angry yak. Also, at times, a bear, and a lion. An ANGRY BEARYAKLION. IT'S SO TRUE. *adores*

- I also ended up drunk-texting dugrival on Saturday night (don't you wish I had your phone number, everyone?), and somehow we ended up talking about a gangsters AU for MCR, and I showed her this and this, and I am sure this AU exists already (because all bandom AUs exist already) but if it does not, it really SHOULD. Because, as dugrival and I discussed: Frankie and Bob are the muscle (feel free to substitute or add Pedicone to taste)! Ray is the ~negotiator! Mikey is the ingénue who isn't as innocent as it appears, and Gerard, of course, is the femme fatale, all fabulous clothes and melodrama and smoking with one of those long cigarette holders. I mean, I'd want them to be gangsters FOR JUSTICE or something, because I don't really want to imagine them getting up to serious shit, but still. IT WOULD BE AWESOME.

- Are any of you guys watching that show Dirty Money? I'm not even sure what channel it's on, but it's these two brothers in New York (and the son of one of them, whom they call Rat Boy), and they buy/find junk and clean it up/make cool things out of it and then sell it at a flea market. It sounds strange but it's actually REALLY COOL-competent and talented people making cool shit while snarking at each other! I'm really enjoying it.

- Kate Beaton posted Byron and Shelley comics! HEEE. *adores*

- A very cute interview with Travis Wall from SYTYCD. Who has a very hot boyfriend, and who is apparently starting his own reality show with-among other people-NICK LAZZARINI. Which he jokes that they should title Dance Brothel. HEE. I am intrigued!

And that's my deal today. Stay safe, those of you in the path of extreme weather! *hugs and good vibes*

sharing is caring, my chemical romance, dcu, literary geekery, things that should happen, recipes, food is my fandom, omfg lindsey way, magic of the dance, kate beaton i love you, not hating cooking

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