Fuckin' READY

Jul 12, 2011 11:20

Um. I feel like I need to inject some variety into my posting. Hmmmmm. Look! Puppies! \o?

Also, um, I am in the market for a text icon that says "the band I'm in is too fucking loud." Would anyone be able to hook me up with that? *puppydog eyes*

SO. I watched the rest of My Chem's show at the iTunes Festival last night (full performance on YouTube here, if iTunes doesn't work for you). LIFE: CHANGED. SERIOUSLY IT'S SO AMAZING. Alternately schmoopy and porny and hilarious and dorky and HOT and chill-inducing and altogether delightful to the eye and ear. But for those of you who do not want to take an hour and a half out of your lives to watch ALL THE THINGS, I picked some highlights! Of songs anyway. Highlights such as Gerard hugging/backrubbing/etc. his bandmates and crawling around on the stage in a semi-orgasmic daze may require further investigation. BUT.

Okay, so for my money (ahahaha), if you watch nothing else from this performance, watch Vampire Money:

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This wins for reasons of RIDICULOUS FUCKING HOTNESS: for the way that Gerard draws out the word "fuck"; for the drawl that Mikey (MIKEYWAY SPEAKS. INTO A MICROPHONE. OMG WHAT WORLD ARE WE LIVING IN) tips into the microphone at the beginning, in a manner that is perhaps inappropriately sexy considering that he is TALKING TO HIS BROTHER at the time, but okay, whatever works for you, fellas; for the fact that Ray's guitar solo is so epic it makes Frank fall to the ground and roll around in... ecstasy; and speaking of Frank's ecstasy, we have here a prime example of how for the majority of this concert, the camera pans over to Frank and he is--as zabira would say--in AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MOVIE than the rest of the band. And that movie? Is a PORNO. FRANK ANTHONY IERO. I HOPE YOU TOOK THAT MICROPHONE OUT FOR DINNER FIRST. (Also now I cannot help but conclude that Frank is rocking the retro mic these days not because he is old-school, but because he is a SIZE QUEEN. HELLO.) Like, he's out-porning GERARD here. By a MILE. WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON. Plus I fucking love this song and I DEFY you to sit still while listening to it. So there's that. JUST WATCH IT. IT'S SO GOOD.

Along the same lines, there's also Destroya:

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I can really take or leave this song on the album, but live, it is a WHOLE OTHER THING. And NOT just for the Frank/Gerard mutual orgasm thing, though that is GREAT, but it also feels like... the melody is clearer, for one thing, and it's this slow burn of frenzy and abandon held together by a relentless drive of energy at the core. It's mesmerizing, I just can't get over how DIFFERENT it feels to me. Gah.

Honorable mention: Planetary (GO!), which, DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS SONG UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO POGO. I'm just warning you. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Also this gets points for how Gerard says at the beginning that his daughter is watching, and Frank's daughters are watching (AWWWWWWWW), with "miss ya" written on his arm, and then drops the word "motherfucker" about five seconds later. AHAHAHAHA. Oh man. Those are going to be the foulest-mouthed kids ON EARTH. ♥

And on the "AWWWWWWW" side of the spectrum, Kids From Yesterday:

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Though this cuts off the bit just before this where Gerard is introducing the band and says, re: Mikey and Ray and Frank, "My three brothers and I are in a band called My Chemical Romance." MY THREE BROTHERS. OH MY GOD MY HEART. I'M NEVER GETTING OVER THAT. But anyway. Sweet and earnest, from the dedication to the song itself, and I love this song, and it got me all choked up last night, watching it. (This is also a hilarious/annoying example of iTunes' completely faily censoring, wherein they manage to miss Gerard's actual swear words ENTIRELY, but bleep the next several words AFTER he swears. WTF? Also "motherfucker" is okay in a song, but not BETWEEN songs? Whaaaaat? Sigh.)

Other honorable mentions: Vampires Will Never Hurt You (epic), SING (where Gerard gets groped by the crowd in a very sweet yet frenzied way), Give 'Em Hell, Kid, Helena. Mmmmm. GREAT FUCKING SHOW, BOYS. WOULD WATCH AGAIN. WILL DEFINITELY WATCH AGAIN. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Okay. Back to work for me. As you were! Hee.

sharing is caring, my chemical romance, music

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