Who's a better friend than me?

May 03, 2011 11:42

Hello LJ! Before I devolve into helpless fangirling, can I just totally recommend Empires' new songs, "The Night Is Young" and "Hard Times," both of which you can download for free, RIGHT NOW? I like Empires' earlier stuff quite a bit, but these two songs have a gloriously Springsteen-y feel to them that make me swoon; I would LOVE if they'd continue in this direction. Eeeee.

Anyway, I like to call the rest of today's entry: THINGS YOU EITHER ALREADY KNOW ABOUT OR DON'T CARE ABOUT. \o?

zabira came over on Saturday and we made delicious chicken and potato-y type things and watched many many MANY hours of MCR things. Like, MANY. With periodic Panic! breaks. And then we got up in the morning and made scones and then watched MOAR THINGS. It was awesome, and it brought the following video to my life, wherein Gerard and Frank are basically doing DVD commentary on clips of their previous activities with this radio station, and one of them is this "ask Gerard anything" thing, and the question is, "Bob, Frank, Mikey, and Ray are hanging off a cliff, and you can only save one of them, which one do you choose?" And Gerard's answer at the time was--WITHOUT HESITATION--"I'd jump too." HE'D JUMP TOO. BEST. ANSWER. EVER. As well as being about as perfect an encapsulation of that band's feelings about each other as I've heard.

So I ALREADY loved that, and then Frank and Gerard are watching that interview, and Frankie is playing the newlywed game with Gerard's answers, and they get to that question and Frank (reasonably) assumes that Gerard is going to say "Mikey," and Gerard does this awesome kind of wait for it hand motion, and then you get Frank's reaction to his actual answer, and GERARD'S reaction to FRANK'S reaction, oh my god it's the cutest thing ever, looklooklook (it's at about 4:25, I think, though of course the whole clip is stupidly adorable, especially the thing about Gerard's habit of checking himself out in the monitors, but ANYWAY):

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(The rest of those videos are SUPER-cute, too, if you feel like re-watching: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4. I love Gerard's reaction to seeing himself in the first clip, with his weird solid band of eye makeup and too-long hair: "What is my DEAL?" *dying* SUCH A GOOD QUESTION, GERARD. SUCH. A GOOD. QUESTION. *adores* "And I was sober then, too!" he says, to which Frank helpfully replies, "Yes, you were." And how Frank kicking over microphones is still "very much 2007." Oh my god. I LOVE THEM.)

My OTHER favorite thing so far from the YouTube vortex is this, where Gerard and Frank are just being giant dorks with each other during "Teenagers," circa Projekt Rev, I think, judging by Frank's hair:

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Like, I am REALLY REALLY INTO all the shenanigans that went on between them on that tour, what with how Gerard was radiating pheremones like some kind of human sex pollen and Frankie was apparently in heat or pon farr or SOMETHING, IDEK, but that whole clip, with them just goofing around? D'AWWWWWWW. Whole other flavor of awesome, and I love that, too.

And lest we forget, Gerard sucks way more dick than David Cassidy does.

And. AND. I am kind of obsessed with Desolation Row right now, both the song and the insanely hot video. I love hearing them do just a straight-up classic punk thing, and that video is so damn gorgeous in every way, and Ray's guitar solo, with the Jimi Hendrix quote, is just. I can't even. (Z told me on Saturday that she was mentally fixing me up with Ray Toro's guitar-playing back when I was still all, "No seriously, I'm not interested in hearing that band, NO SERIOUSLY." I was SO WRONG. Z was SO RIGHT. Heeee.)

Oh. And the most epic onstage!Gerard picspam I have ever seen. OH MY FUCKING GOD. How did I live so long without Gerard's beautiful sexy crazyface dorkface boa-strewn sassy sartorially-questionable earnest magnetic knock-you-on-your-ass AWESOME MAGICAL OTHERWORLDLY JOY in my life? HOW? I can't even.

So yeah. This is why I'm not posting much. Because I am a TOTALLY BROKEN RECORD, fannishly speaking. But I'm having fun! So hi. :)

food is my fandom, recipes, sharing is caring, my chemical romance, seattle wins at fangirls, music

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