UM. One of my teammates has a Joker action figure at his desk, and I was looking at it today, and I noticed that IT COMES WITH A CROWBAR. A CROWBAR. THAT IS SO FUCKED UP. (For those of you who aren't into comics, the Joker's most notorious use of a crowbar--AFAIK--was when he killed Jason Todd, the second Robin. So this action figure comes with a weapon used to beat a child to death. Wow. Stay classy, action figure designers!)
Also, in completely unrelated news,
Jennifer Garner is still my girlfriend.
In news unrelated to either of the above, I am listening to Pencey Prep right now, and I like some of their songs quite a bit, right up until Frank starts full-on screaming for many bars at a time. Ow. This is why punk and I will only ever be casual friends, I suppose!
And finally, you know how I said I wasn't quite obsessed with MCR yet? Well, this is your official notification of a status change on that issue. Ahem. (I realized the other day that music--especially live music--has sort of become my primary fandom these days, or at least the largest common thread in my fannish interests. I have no idea how that happened, but it is working for me, for reasons that I may expound on in another entry, when I am not supposed to be working. But it is interesting! And I never would have seen it coming! Heh.)