We're the coolest guys in the world.

Feb 14, 2011 17:03

It was an excellent weekend: Magnificent 7 with fangirls yesterday (that show is ADOOOORABLE) with brief detours into Prison Break, and on Saturday, I made my first-ever attempt at spearheading my grandpa's spaghetti and meatballs recipe, with the assistance/company of the delightful zabira (who also brought amaaaaaazing French bread that she had baked that morning \z/). The sauce was a little thin and the croutons for the salad were a little salty, but on the whole, it was a HIGHLY successful experiment, and I'm quite pleased with it. I'm also pleased with the leftovers. NOMNOMNOM MEATBALL SANDWICHES. (Also did I mention that Z brought FRESH-BAKED BREAD? NOMMMMMMMMM.)

When I was not doing those things, I was pretty much thinking about the Headstones. Aiding and abetting me was (among other people, of course) sdwolfpup, who has FINALLY caught Hugh Flu after I had looooooong since--like, THREE YEARS AGO--given up on that ever becoming her thing, and it's kind of THE GREATEST. My fandoms are always sadder when she's not in them! ♥ I'm telling you, this concert is the gift that keeps on giving. This also is the final seal on my theory that NO ONE who has any kind of extended exposure to Hugh Dillon can hold out against his charms forever; he gets everyone eventually. I'm sure there are exceptions, of course, but right now, as of a week or so ago, I don't know any. *g*

Soooo I think it's probably going to be Mostly Headstones, Most of the Time here for a while yet, anyway. I am also so happy, and they seem so happy, that I am starting to worry that this is all too good to last, which annoys me because dude, JOSS WHEDON IS NOT WRITING MY LIFE. Sometimes happy things happen! Sometimes shitty things happen! One does not necessarily indicate the approach of the other! IT COULD CONTINUE TO BE GREAT. So I'm hoping for that.

ANYWAY. A few videos I found while haunting YouTube:

Hugh and Trent, e-now interview (circa NFYN) - I had never seen this one before! YAY. It's short but it's pretty adorable (though not terribly aesthetically pleasing for either of them, TBH), all Hugh talking about hanging out at the Wheat Sheaf (♥!!), and how he loves the band and how they're a "gang" and there's this thing that happens at the end that's pretty much the cutest thing ever. AWWWWW. (It's possible that my affection for this interview is magnified by the fact that a year ago--hell, FOUR MONTHS AGO--it would have made me really sad, and now it just makes me REALLY FUCKING HAPPY.)

Come On, live on Mike Bullard - I feel like I should have seen this before, but I don't think I have; I feel like the growly way Trent does the "come on" echo would have STUCK WITH ME, and I do not remember ever having seen that, including last weekend. It's REALLY GOOD. (Not dissimilar to the "Ace of Spades" cover he sings lead on, actually, but... better audio quality. Ngggh.) Also Hugh is REALLY COMMITTED to the exhales on the bridge. Guh.

Mystery To Me, plus interview (also on Bullard's show) - (oops, linked the wrong video originally, D'OH) Dude, they were on that show a LOT. And Bullard is a dick, but at least Hugh slings it right back, so that helps. Anyway, the performance is fine--this one I know I've seen--but I would like, at this time, to talk about Trent's pants and how I want to be in them (are they jeans? are they leather? IDEK, but it is WORKING), and both their boots, and the fact that Trent actually TALKS in this interview, and Hugh's glee in discussing Tim's gambling woes, and yeah. I ENJOYED IT.


i am a sad sad fangirl, food is my fandom, sharing is caring, not hating cooking, seattle wins at fangirls, headstones, music

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