Do they think we're POOR or something?

Aug 16, 2010 17:10

Our home internets are currently broken, for reasons yet to be determined, and work is looking super-busy this week, so if I am slow in responding to stuff, I apologize in advance!

I had a lovely evening with zabira on Friday, though; we ate PERFECT Chinese food and drank gin and tonics (gins and tonic?) and then got ice cream from Molly Moon's (seriously, their strawberry balsamic ice cream is one of my favorite discoveries of the summer, second only to the triple-berry cheesecake gelato that I ate in Spain, which was cheating because I ate it while looking at this and this and this, so of course that >>>>>>> damn near everything), and then went to the park for a free showing of Desperately Seeking Susan, which I had never seen before (I KNOW). And I STILL have not entirely seen it, since from our vantage, with my eyesight, the details were a little fuzzy, but I was able to pick out the main characters and I imagined everyone else as being played by Jon Bon Jovi and it all worked out. And my goodness, there is all sorts of sexual chemistry running around in that movie, most of it inappropriate, or at least (I think) unintentional. It was excellent! I approved of the entire evening! ♥

Then on Saturday I went to the Renaissance Faire, where it was almost 100 degrees and there was very little shade and I longed for death at many moments and sunburned the hell out of my neck/shoulders. And I wasn't even in costume; I felt extremely sorry for Mr. McK and his/our friends who were performing/working there. I got to see Mr. McK's plays, though, and they were both awesome, and I got to say a sweaty hello to various people I hadn't seen in a while (several of whom I hadn't seen since the Spain trip, which made me think of how we really need to stop meeting in places that are so miserably fucking hot), so it was all worth it. Still, I spent most of yesterday-with the exception of walking the dog as early as I could to avoid the heat, which introduced me to a whole new world of people who live near me who are out and about at 8:30 on Sunday morning, WHO KNEW-sprawled out in the air conditioning at my house, getting caught up on chores and watching TV and reading some Gail Simone Birds of Prey comics, which was a nice way to recover, despite the lack of internets.

Which brings me to one of my reasons for posting: has anyone got any DCU recs for me, particularly in the Bat-family/Birds of Prey/Teen Titans corner of things? I'm fine with almost any pairing, or no pairing, though I'm not so much into power imbalances, so most things along the student/mentor line are probably not really for me unless there is some similarity in age and experience (so, Black Canary/Shiva, sure; Batman/Robin(s) not so much, though maybe Batman/Nightwing, depending on how it's presented, etc. etc.); also I'm not so much with hatesex, usually. Angst is fine, though, as is schmoop, and I'm good with slash (m/m and f/f) and het and gen, though right now I'm particularly leaning toward Black Canary/Oracle, Black Canary/Huntress, Oracle/Nightwing, various combinations of Robins, and Robin/Starfire (Robin/Starfire 4EVA!, as the Teen Titans cartoon said once, HEE). And of course you know I love my TEEEEAM fic. (Also, if it matters, my knowledge of comics canon is pretty spotty at best, so anything that depends really really heavily on that will probably be over my head at this point.) So… any recs along any of those lines? Self-recs are welcome, too! *puppydog eyes*

dcu, fans are awesome, travel, all-knowing flist, food is my fandom, omg my life is thrilling, yay random fandom, nom nom nom

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