In which my entry turns out to be about something entirely different than what I intended

Jan 12, 2010 10:24

What up, LJ. Did you know that there are still about 10 slots left open for bitchinparty? It's true! Just sayin'.

Also it is More Joy Day on Thursday! YAY!

In other news, I went to a sci-fi themed party on Saturday night where somebody came dressed as hentai, bearing (technically worksafe, but you might want to make sure no one's behind you) these lovely ladies. It was pretty amazing. And the party was pretty fun in general-there was a fiddler who played "Single Ladies"! also amazing!-except for how I spent about half of Sunday recovering from it, which… so much for productivity this weekend! /o\

So Mr. McK and I hung out on the couch and watched NCIS, which is our new popcorn show. Which is kinda funny, because we'd both watched the show before and found it to not be our thing, but then we were watching some episodes from their New Year's marathon and we got kinda sucked in by the storyline from the end of last season, and now suddenly it's fun to watch. Crazy! (And it's on ALL THE TIME, so. That helps!) However, I am NOT getting emotionally invested, because seriously… Mr. McK got me into JAG several years back and the main issues I had with that show are the same issues I have with NCIS, so I do not expect them to change, and I am keeping that in mind at all times. But wow, I love Abby. In that way where every time she comes on screen I go "ABBY!" I also say "oh, Ziva" a lot. Because ZIVA. And I like the guys, too, and I really do enjoy the TEEEEAM aspect of it (which was something JAG was also good at, but this show is even better at, because the setup of the show is more team-oriented), so anyway. NCIS fans on my flist! Your show is cute! (Also, like every guest-star-tastic show, it's a fun game of "hey it's that guy/girl" all the time. Episodes we've watched recently have featured Danneel Harris, Misha Collins, Valerie Rae Miller, the inimitable Tracey Scoggins, and also William Gregory Lee. I spent the latter's whole stint going, "I'M SO GLAD DANTE'S COVE ISN'T YOUR ONLY GIG." Good times.)

We also watched Chuck last night, and I have to say, I was REALLY skeptical about Chuck's new powers at the end of last season, but I'm impressed at how they've been using them so far-just because he can do these things doesn't actually make him a badass (I loved him freaking out about getting punched in the face, HEE), and in the meantime, the writers have more flexibility with their scenarios now, which is interesting. Also, AWESOME. So… I may have been wrong about you, Chuck! Carry on! Also, I am really enjoying this whole road-trip-commercial thing-it's an interesting compromise between egregious product-placement within a show and the fact that people usually fast-forward through commercials now. I'm happy to watch a commercial that actually SAYS it's a commercial, but also involves characters I like watching. So… more of that, maybe, TV? Make your commercials entertaining and I'll watch!

Also, I am excited about Leverage coming back tomorrow. LEVERAGE. WOOOO. And Bones this week! EEEEE!

Hmm, the main point of this post was actually to post some recipes, but I seem to have gotten sidetracked, so maybe I'll put those in a separate entry.

So I will end with this:

Riddle me this, plz, David Cook fandom: what are the living arrangements for the guys in LA? I keep seeing things around the fandom that imply that Dave and Neal and Andy (and now Andrew) all live together, but I am hesitant to believe this, because 1) can't they afford their own places (I mean, I know Dave and Andrew are going to be living together, but aside from that)? 2) don't Andy and Jennie live together (though if Jennie is living with the other three, also, then I both envy and pity her)? and 3) I seriously doubt the universe is actually that awesome. BUT I would be thrilled if it was. Does anyone actually know the answer to this?

and the anthemic, david cook was created in a lab, chuck, ncis

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