I don't know what the fuck a closet is, I have Worf tattooed on my arm.

Nov 24, 2009 09:40

Before I devolve totally into flailing: happy birthday, magic_8ball! I hope you have an excellent day and an even better year, and holy shit, I get to see you in the spring!!! CRAZY. (You're in for the M's home opener on 4/12, right?)

And now for the flailing: OMG NEAL DID A TWITTER Q&A LAST NIGHT AND I MISSED IT. (FML, I AM NEVER SLEEPING AGAIN.) But OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. You can check out the results for yourself here, but just to sum up: it wasn't so much a Q&A as it was Neal FLIRTING WITH EVERYONE EVERYWHERE (including Andy, in a roundabout sort of way; sweartogod, that boy is the target of more Twitter flirting, it's HILARIOUS), and swearing a lot and calling people "sweetheart" (a;slkdgja;slg jas;ldgja s;dlgajk s;glajks dg;alskj to you AND Cook for that, you evil drawling motherfuckers) and being really adorable about Bjork and David Archuleta and CHOPIN NOCTURNES and seriously, there are times when the fact that I will never have sex with Neal Tiemann makes me REALLY REALLY SAD. (He also talked about how The Shining is the best movie he's ever seen and he wants to honeymoon in the hotel from it, and it's really kind of sad at this point how desperate he clearly is to get dugrival's attention, so just… dugrival, when you guys are married, invite me over for drinks sometimes, 'kay? <3)

So THAT was a nice thing to wake up to. Also I was listening to my Cook/Anthemic playlist on the way to work and rocking out to Bar-ba-sol and then I noticed that the license plate on the car in front of me said 501-MWK. THE UNIVERSE IS TELLING ME TO LOVE THEM, OKAY, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.

Also, I am hung over, because J. was mixing chocolate martinis last night and why is it that those hit me way harder than Jack Daniels? Just ONE (before dinner, but still) and I was having to bite my tongue to keep from going on a lengthy monologue to J's fiancé about how much I love her and how lucky he is to have her. /dork (Then I had two more, hence the hangover. Oops. Probably a very good thing I slept through Neal's Q&A, since I'm embarrassing enough about him when I'm sober.) (Also, FTR, I'm pretty sure J's fiancé knows exactly how lucky he is to have her, so I don't want to imply otherwise, I was just feeling… effusive.)

We are having lots of fun, though; we've been watching Deadwood S1 (STILL AMAZING), and on Sunday we went to the Experience Music Project and the Sci-Fi Museum, which was good times. I'd been to the SFM before, but it was fun to go again, even though for some reason they don't have the Alien Queen model anymore and that is REALLY SAD, because it was FUCKING AWESOME and totally the highlight of the museum for me the last time I went. I'd never been to EMP, though, and I LOVED IT. Holyshit, SO MUCH GUITAR PORN. They have a whole gallery about the history of the electric guitar and it was FASCINATING. And just… all the album covers and handwritten lyrics and concert posters and also things like a collection of sound bytes/interviews from all sorts of people on all sorts of topics, just a general oral history thing, which we didn't have the time to really dive into, but just the fact that people are paying attention to these things and compiling information in this way is AMAZING. It's so cool that we now have the technology to preserve our (pop) cultural history in that way; as someone who-for the understatement of the year-likes to DIVE DEEP when I get excited about something, I'm thrilled that all this information is there, waiting for whoever will be OVERJOYED to find it, you know?

Plus there's the Sound Lab, where you can learn to play instruments and stuff, and so I learned the intro of "Louie Louie" on guitar (using, um, one string), GO ME. (I fail so hard at guitar. It makes me sad, because in case you have not noticed I am sort of fond of the guitar, but my fingers are short and weak and maybe it would help if I got a smaller guitar but also maybe guitar and I are just NOT MEANT TO BE, IDK. But I want to at least try! Because I really do love it! Not that I need another hobby AT ALL! But still, maybe someday.)

Also, of course, it made me think of Cook-especially being the little grunge-muffin that he is, which was on adorable display when he was here, AWWW-and hope he gets a chance to go there someday, and also Neal, because srsly, guitars and Star Trek paraphernalia in the same building, HOW MADE FOR HIM IS THAT? (Also, there are a bunch of little booths up in the sound lab where they have little setups for you to record stuff as a mini "band," and if you don't think I had some self-insert fantasies about uses to which those booths could possibly be put, it's like you don't know me at all. And they even have TIMERS, so it's like Seven Minutes In Heaven! Surrounded by guitars! With we-might-get-caught kink! IJS.)

… Some days I suspect my brother is very, very sorry he reads this journal. SORRY RD.

Okay. Work now. And water. Ugh. Where's my pedialyte and #4 from Taco Bueno?!

twitter shenanigans, david cook was created in a lab, best roommate ever, mwk ftw, birthdays, music, neal fucking tiemann

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