You take what you need and I will...

Jul 01, 2009 10:00

1. My culinary adventures last weekend were mostly successful! My mother-in-law asked for all the recipes from dinner, so I'm calling that a win, and she also said, "Are you turning into your mother?" which, in this context, is a compliment. \o/ Brunch on Sunday was just slightly underwhelming (French Toast soufflé), but I think that was possibly mainly in comparison to this amazing Crème Brulee French toast I've made a couple of times, which contains an entire stick of butter, so no wonder (though I have subbed in 2% milk for the half-and-half, just so I don't actually have a heart attack on the spot). My brother-in-law ate six pieces, so I guess he liked it, at least. And we went to the omfgSOCROWDED Market on Saturday, and the Japanese Gardens, and Mr. McK and I bonded over how his family is kind of insane, so it was good. (Nathan Fillion was also in downtown Seattle this weekend. I did not see him. This is a tragedy.)

2. I am off to San Francisco tomorrow afternoon! WHEEE. Mostly I am going to see my college BFF J., and danceswithwords, but I will also get a bonus laurashapiro and cofax7. \o/ J. has mentioned pedicures, Rock Band, a day trip to Napa, and floating around on rafts somewhere in the sun drinking alcoholic beverages. I AM EXCITED. Even if the thought of having to pack tonight makes me want to weep. But I have cute clothes to bring, for once, and I'm starting to be able to fit into some things I haven't worn in quite some time (I was trying on some shorts last night that had a receipt in the pocket from 2006-heh), so that's helpful. Even if I now feel that my life is at least a little bit incomplete without these shoes (*shakes fist at danceswithwords*). (Seriously, my taste in fashion is hilarious right now. Give me just about anything with buckles, zippers, or rivets, and I'm there. As my dream shopping companion Adam Lambert quoth: "Where are the studs?" WHERE INDEED, ADAM. WHERE INDEED.)

3. And then I get back at noon on Tuesday, just in time for sdwolfpup to pick me up at the airport and so we can go back to my house, drop my stuff off, switch cars, and head out for Tacoma for the Idol concert. EEEEEE. (My original intent in booking my return flight to get back at noon was so that I would actually have time to recover a bit from the trip, since I am trying to actually acknowledge that sometimes fun is as tiring as work, though of course it is more fun. So, SO MUCH FOR THAT PLAN. Hee.) I expect to be running entirely on glee fumes by Wednesday.

4. And then the following weekend I have no concrete plans (except I think the_antichris is going to be in town, I hope?), and then the weekend after that I'm hosting a baby shower, and then the weekend after that I'm going to Denver, and then it will be August and I will… be dead, possibly. But I will die having done lots of fun stuff!

5. I TiVoed the third and fourth episodes of Merlin on Sunday night (that sound you just heard was sdwolfpup and catwalksalone defriending me; bye guys! I love you!). And I watched them last night, and despite the hilariously bad effects and the highly questionable plotlines, I found myself really liking the characters. And while the show bears almost no resemblance to any version of the legend that I'm familiar with, that actually sort of helps me-it's SO different that I don't expect that it's going to be the same; it seems like an entirely separate thing, with some of the same names and (very) few familiar elements. (I got a kick out of the afanc thing mainly because it reminded me of when Bran banishes the afanc in Silver on the Tree: "Daro, what a nasty." *waves to the five of you who know what I'm talking about*) I dunno, it's working for me. And the character relationships seem real, so that's what carries it, I think. And, yes, slashtastic (both on the Merlin/Arthur and Gwen/Morgana sides of things), and the canon pairings are also working for me. So it's all good! And the main thing that made me interested in the show is that there is some beautiful, beautiful fic in that fandom that I have read and loved (mainly from crack_van recs), and that, I will definitely continue to enjoy.

6. While I'm sure it will be used in many annoying and corrupt ways, I found this article really intriguing and interesting, about the way that augmented reality could be used to help consumers make more socially and environmentally conscious choices. It's the conscious that's really the key there-having that kind of information readily available would at least help me be aware of the choices I'm making, even if I don't always make the most responsible choice.

7. So. Hugh's new album. Called "Works Well With Others," produced by Paul Langlois. This is the unreleased HDRC album, right? But... it's being billed as a solo album? I guess it's just marketing, since Hugh is all famous now and no one has ever heard of the other guys. But... it still seems a little weird. There WAS a band, and now THERE NEVER WAS A BAND. *wavy hands*

8. Here, have an mp3 of Adam and Kris singing We Are the Champions with Queen. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why this is not available for purchase from iTunes, audio OR video. WTF, it was the GREATEST THING EVER. (And the way Brian May keeps flicking these "dayum" sorts of glances at Adam… if I were Adam, I would get that tattooed on the insides of my eyelids so I could watch it ALL THE TIME. Also, Kris' fist pumps, which are AMAZING.) Nor is Kris' duet with Keith Urban, and okay, I am not a huge Keith Urban fan, but it turns out that Kris Allen singing about kissing girls is a thing that is RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS. And they have Adam's KISS medley, and Kris WON, so why not his duet thingy? ("C'mon, just a little arrogance. Say it with me: I AM YOUR FUCKING AMERICAN IDOL.") Sigh. But anyway. I have this mp3, at least!

And now: answering five million help desk tickets. Oy. Where is AU!Sam Winchester when I need him?

ETA: Happy Canada Day! \canada/

i am a sad sad fangirl, kris allen is a human moodtheme, sharing is caring, merlin, hdrc, adam lambert has a python on his crotch, travel, recipes, omg my life is thrilling, not hating cooking, music

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