May 21, 2009 15:02

Another link (via my co-worker, who has moved on from being obsessed with T4 to being obsessed with how it's going to suck, it's kind of hilarious): 5 Reasons the Terminator Franchise Makes No Goddamn Sense

HILARIOUS. Though of course some amount of paradox is inevitable when you have a story that's dependent on time-travel, and also I feel compelled to add that I really do not care about most of these things, because if you give me a good story, I will forgive a lot of narrative contortions/shenanigans to get there. (But seriously, HOW do the T-1000 and TX get through the time displacement device? HOW?) And it also reminded me of how the funniest moment in our entire rewatch this weekend was when Reese was all earnest and desperate, "Nobody goes home. And nobody else comes through. It's just him... and me." *snicker* And of course this got progressively funnier as each movie was released ("It's just him... and me. And then that other one. And the shiny one. And then some other dude. And...") but it is particularly hilarious in light of TSCC, where people basically pop in from the future all the time to, like, pick up a pack of gum and an In-N-Out Burger. Poor Reese. If only you could've stuck it out a few more years, you would've had SO MUCH COMPANY.

Aaaanyway. VACAAAATIOOOOOOOOON. I CAN SMELL IT. It smells like... tequila.

hee, come with me if you want to live

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