I know, I know, you are all sick of hearing about Nico. SORRY. SORRY FOR CARING. Because I was noodling around on Facebook the other night and found hot/adorkable pictures and so CLEARLY, the universe wants me to do a picspam. Clearly! So have some Nico! With guest appearances by other hot dancers! I judge them all to be: PRETTY SEXY.
Okay, so. Always good to start with a rentboy AU, don't you think?
EXCELLENT. We'll get back to that. But first, can we talk about how VERY VERY MUCH Nico and Arassay need to make out? I mean, I know Nico has a girlfriend, and I'm sure she's awesome. But, um. HELLO.
Not convinced? Look at THIS:
There is some love there, is all I am saying. Ahem.
And, okay, Blake, you can join the party sometimes too:
(I love how Nico and Blake are totally in an Abercrombie and Fitch commercial here, and then there's Arassay in the middle, in, like, a family photo, with her easy, gorgeous smile and her easy, smiling gorgeousness. AND her sparkly boobs. I LOVE YOU ARASSAY.)
Also adorable? Allie and Nico:
EEEE. I loooooooooove Allie and Nico--they've got such a big-brother/little-sister vibe, it makes me VERY HAPPY to think of them traveling around doing Top 2 things together, which they did in between the end of the show and the tour. Not that Nico didn't get along with the boys, too:
And he also did just fine on his own:
But sometimes there was obviously DANCE TRAGEDY:
(It is kind of frightening that I've seen that number enough times that I suspect I know EXACTLY where that head-bump happened.)
Also, just to really obliterate my ovaries, here is Nico with his actual little sister:
D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. And here he is, all exhausted and happy and overwhelmed, with his big-ass check on the floor in front of him:
D'AWWWWWWWWW! And can we talk about this hotass Top 10?
THAT is a puppy-pile I would very much like to be in the middle of. Wow. (Actually, my first thought when I saw that picture--well, my second thought, after "GUH"--was that Arassay must be so happy that they were all wearing white. Hee.)
And this is also teeming with hotness, but I would like to draw your attention particularly to Allie, getting her Rachel Bilson on over there on the right:
RRRRROWR. But lest you think they are just hotness, let's talk about the adorkable:
HEEE. (At first I thought Nico was holding those antlers on Blake's head, which would have been awesome, but as I look at it more closely, I realize that no, Blake is actually wearing a headband with those antlers on it, which is EVEN MORE AWESOME. Oh, Blake. You should be dorky more often! It looks good on you!)
And then the Top 4 got interviewed on some show or another, and they were adorable:
Okay this picture is really more about Allie than Nico, but whatever, I LOVE HER:
Even from the back, this is the CUTEST POSE EVER (look at her little hands on his neck! awwwww):
But let's get back to the front, because Nico is digging it:
Aaaaaaand back to the back again, because I am not really an ass girl, generally speaking, but there is really no part of this picture that I don't want to leap upon and lick:
Speaking of things I'd like to lick (and classic rock), here's Nico's tattoo:
It's lyrics from a Doors song: O, great creator of being, grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives, we live, we die, and death not ends it. And again I say: RRRROWR. On so many levels.
More classic rock love to segue us into Nico's rentboy pre-SYTYCD days:
Why am I not surprised that Nico loves the Bowie? Perhaps because he is no stranger to pageantry, himself:
OMG that shot kills me. I can just hear the photographer: "Okay, now you hate the phone! You HATE it! FUCK YOU, PHONE!" *laughs and laughs and laughs*
However, there are some excellent things about pageantry, namely:
And, you know:
And bless the enterprising photographer who got this particular shot:
SWEET JEEBUS, that is some hotness.
Yes, Nico, you. You are teh hotness. Even when you rock the boy-band look (this is worth embiggening, because EYES):
But then there are the times when pageantry goes horribly wrong:
Again, the facial expression is priceless. "The pants, I can live with, and even the mirrors on the shirt, but the SPARKLY BELT? COME ON." (Actually, I suspect Nico is entirely okay with this whole costume. Because that is how he rolls, and MORE POWER TO HIM.)
Still, sometimes the natural look is best:
(Raise your hand if you're sure!) And the even more natural look is, in some ways, even better:
In conclusion, PLEASE MAKE OUT:
Aaaaaaand, to bring things full circle: RENTBOY.
Thank you.
And, just to have some non-dancing content here, please check out (via
this awesometastic video in which Justin Long, Bradley Cooper (I forgot how much I love you, Bradley Cooper!), and Kevin Connolly promote their new movie He's Just Not That Into You by enacting chick-flick cliches that are NOT in the movie. It is HYSTERICAL, and kind of gay, and HYSTERICAL. The perfect way to start my morning!