I like the dirt that's on your knees

Feb 04, 2009 09:35

I know, I know, you are all sick of hearing about Nico. SORRY. SORRY FOR CARING. Because I was noodling around on Facebook the other night and found hot/adorkable pictures and so CLEARLY, the universe wants me to do a picspam. Clearly! So have some Nico! With guest appearances by other hot dancers! I judge them all to be: PRETTY SEXY.

Okay, so. Always good to start with a rentboy AU, don't you think?

EXCELLENT. We'll get back to that. But first, can we talk about how VERY VERY MUCH Nico and Arassay need to make out? I mean, I know Nico has a girlfriend, and I'm sure she's awesome. But, um. HELLO.

Not convinced? Look at THIS:

There is some love there, is all I am saying. Ahem.

And, okay, Blake, you can join the party sometimes too:

(I love how Nico and Blake are totally in an Abercrombie and Fitch commercial here, and then there's Arassay in the middle, in, like, a family photo, with her easy, gorgeous smile and her easy, smiling gorgeousness. AND her sparkly boobs. I LOVE YOU ARASSAY.)

Also adorable? Allie and Nico:

EEEE. I loooooooooove Allie and Nico--they've got such a big-brother/little-sister vibe, it makes me VERY HAPPY to think of them traveling around doing Top 2 things together, which they did in between the end of the show and the tour. Not that Nico didn't get along with the boys, too:

And he also did just fine on his own:

But sometimes there was obviously DANCE TRAGEDY:

(It is kind of frightening that I've seen that number enough times that I suspect I know EXACTLY where that head-bump happened.)

Also, just to really obliterate my ovaries, here is Nico with his actual little sister:

D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. And here he is, all exhausted and happy and overwhelmed, with his big-ass check on the floor in front of him:

D'AWWWWWWWWW! And can we talk about this hotass Top 10?

THAT is a puppy-pile I would very much like to be in the middle of. Wow. (Actually, my first thought when I saw that picture--well, my second thought, after "GUH"--was that Arassay must be so happy that they were all wearing white. Hee.)

And this is also teeming with hotness, but I would like to draw your attention particularly to Allie, getting her Rachel Bilson on over there on the right:

RRRRROWR. But lest you think they are just hotness, let's talk about the adorkable:

HEEE. (At first I thought Nico was holding those antlers on Blake's head, which would have been awesome, but as I look at it more closely, I realize that no, Blake is actually wearing a headband with those antlers on it, which is EVEN MORE AWESOME. Oh, Blake. You should be dorky more often! It looks good on you!)

And then the Top 4 got interviewed on some show or another, and they were adorable:

Okay this picture is really more about Allie than Nico, but whatever, I LOVE HER:

Even from the back, this is the CUTEST POSE EVER (look at her little hands on his neck! awwwww):

But let's get back to the front, because Nico is digging it:

Aaaaaaand back to the back again, because I am not really an ass girl, generally speaking, but there is really no part of this picture that I don't want to leap upon and lick:

Speaking of things I'd like to lick (and classic rock), here's Nico's tattoo:

It's lyrics from a Doors song: O, great creator of being, grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives, we live, we die, and death not ends it. And again I say: RRRROWR. On so many levels.

More classic rock love to segue us into Nico's rentboy pre-SYTYCD days:

Why am I not surprised that Nico loves the Bowie? Perhaps because he is no stranger to pageantry, himself:

OMG that shot kills me. I can just hear the photographer: "Okay, now you hate the phone! You HATE it! FUCK YOU, PHONE!" *laughs and laughs and laughs*

However, there are some excellent things about pageantry, namely:

And, you know:


And bless the enterprising photographer who got this particular shot:

SWEET JEEBUS, that is some hotness.

Yes, Nico, you. You are teh hotness. Even when you rock the boy-band look (this is worth embiggening, because EYES):

But then there are the times when pageantry goes horribly wrong:

Again, the facial expression is priceless. "The pants, I can live with, and even the mirrors on the shirt, but the SPARKLY BELT? COME ON." (Actually, I suspect Nico is entirely okay with this whole costume. Because that is how he rolls, and MORE POWER TO HIM.)

Still, sometimes the natural look is best:

(Raise your hand if you're sure!) And the even more natural look is, in some ways, even better:


In conclusion, PLEASE MAKE OUT:

Aaaaaaand, to bring things full circle: RENTBOY.

Thank you.

And, just to have some non-dancing content here, please check out (via snoopypez) this awesometastic video in which Justin Long, Bradley Cooper (I forgot how much I love you, Bradley Cooper!), and Kevin Connolly promote their new movie He's Just Not That Into You by enacting chick-flick cliches that are NOT in the movie. It is HYSTERICAL, and kind of gay, and HYSTERICAL. The perfect way to start my morning!

hee, sharing is caring, magic of the dance, picspam

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