I couldn't dance with another

Jan 14, 2009 15:32

Hello internets! rogairedubh and his gf are in town for a few days, and I had yesterday off for gallivanting, which was moderately successful (except for Hurricane Ridge being closed and the restaurant we wanted to eat at for dinner having a 45-minute wait, which, given that it was 8 p.m. by the time we got there and I had to work today, was not happening). It was fun, though, and the drive was pretty, and mainly it is just very nice to have RD here!

I'm also very proud of myself because I had a SINGLE DAY on Monday where I actually managed to do everything I wanted to do, being-an-adult-wise: got up and worked out, went to work and was productive, came home and finished cleaning up in preparation for RD's arrival, then made gingersnaps, then made the BEST SOUP EVER (turkey Italian sausage and spinach and tomatoes and seashell pasta in a chicken broth, YUM), cleaned out the inside of my car, picked RD and his gf up from the airport, and had shrimp and gingersnaps-with-goat-cheese-and-pear (yes, this is my new thing! but it is so good, especially with made-from-scratch gingersnaps!) waiting for them for a light repast, and RD had some of the leftover soup (which Mr. McK and I finished for lunch today), and I put chocolate truffles on the guest-room pillows, and it was good. I may honestly never have such a Martha Stewart day again, but it was nice to know I could do it ONCE, anyway.

I also had a lot of fun over the weekend, where we gathered at belmanoir's house to share the delights of various Hugh things that _unhurt_ hadn't had time to watch yet. If there is anything better than being squished up on a couch with some of my favorite fangirls, watching Hugh be hot in concert footage, I'm not sure what it is. (I'm pretty sure we also-purely by accident, really-managed to pimp greensilver into the Headstones. MUAHAHAHAHA. WE CAN'T HELP IT IF THEY'RE AWESOME. *beams*)

Then mrs_laugh_track and I retired to zabira's place, where we watched The Outsiders, which I got for Christmas, and it was excellent. Not in the sense that the movie is excellent, because it's really not, exactly, but I still love the story-that book will always have a special place in my heart for being the first book I was really able to share with other people, in the sense that we all had to read it in seventh grade and for once, my classmates were as excited about and emotionally invested in a book as I was, and it was pretty amazing-and also, looking at it with slash goggles is QUITE interesting. Hee. And, okay, sure, you've got your Pony/Johnny and your Dallas/Johnny and your Steve/Soda, but I am here to make you feel as dirty as I do, because, well, I would just like you to take a look at this.*


And, okay. It is not slashy if you read it-they're poor! it's cold!-and I actually love the brotherly love VERY MUCH in the book in a totally non-slashy way. But the visual, there? Hmmm. Honestly, I blame Rob Lowe-for one thing, he will always be Rob Lowe to me (except when he's Sam Seaborn), so there's that. Also, Z very wisely pointed out that there were probably a LOT of hormones running around that set, what with the high number of hot teenage boys, and so some of them would have necessarily spilled over onto the film. (We thought that maybe young Rob Lowe could've been a "help you discover your sexuality" mentor, only it may be kind of hard to tell the difference between "I am attracted to guys" and "I am merely not BLIND, and that is ROB LOWE." We also decided that he could have a second career in tickling people awake, because it looks like he's good at that.) So, you know. It's not underage incest! It's underage RPS! That's… way better? Thanks, fandom! (This portion of the entry is the reason I am using this particular icon, at Sonia's insistence.)

So, as always: FANGIRLS FTMFW.

Also, I continue to be totally obsessed with SYTYCD Canada. It is SO AWESOME. I keep wanting to link to clips of the dances, and they are extremely good in themselves, but also, the sheer amazing awesome omg-I-want-to-take-you-home-with-me(-for-various-reasons) of the dancers just enhances it that much more, and that is hard to capture with individual clips. I don't think I've ever liked so many dancers so much on any season of this show (and that is saying something, because I love a lot of the SYTYCD dancers. Plus, this show makes hot boys cry! Because the judges are kind to them, or because their partners get voted off and they are sad, or whatever! I honestly cannot help but support a show that makes hot boys cry JUST A LITTLE.) But in general, SYTYCD makes me as happy as any entertainment has, ever. In my next life, I'm totally going to be a dancer.

So anyway. That's my life atm. Kind of crazy busy (yay for awesome visitors!) through Sunday, but then I have Monday off. \o/ Yay for a three-day weekend, and then INAUGURATION. Wow. I'm still pinching myself.

And tomorrow is More Joy Day! Eeeee!

*SDW very kindly looked up this clip for me, because I can't access YT at work, and I was like, "Okay, I'm looking for the clip where… um… Rob Lowe is snuggling his movie-brother in bed." IT SOUNDS PRETTY BAD IF YOU WRITE IT OUT THAT WAY. *facepalm*

i am going to hell, i am a sad sad fangirl, magic of the dance, seattle wins at fangirls, movies, headstones

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