My dad's better than your dad, he's got eight cars and a house in Ireland (SING IT)

Dec 16, 2008 11:23

So I FINALLY had the chance to watch the "leaked" four episodes of Flashpoint this weekend (I was waiting for troyswann! Okay, not really, I was waiting to finish my DSSS because Hugh is REALLY DISTRACTING, though the recent bout of Flu on my f-list made my attempts at virtue sort of in vain--is there a lesson there? But Sal was here and I'm glad I waited for her, because there are certain things that should not be experienced without fangirls!).

I don't really have any deep thoughts, but I did want to say that episode 1x11? The one with Ed's mentor? That was AMAZING. I actually sort of wish it had been the last episode of the season, because I felt like the actual last episode was anticlimax after that--I think it would have been stronger if they'd switched them (though of course then we couldn't have had the OMG JULES NO! cliffhanger, except that I'm sure Jules is going to be fine, so).

But you guys, Hugh was SO FUCKING GOOD in that climactic scene! I CANNOT GET OVER IT! I mean, obviously he's growing as an actor, and that's been obvious for quite a while now, but the "emotional" scenes (as he says in the Hour interview ♥)... he makes them work, but in the past (like in Durham County) I've been able to tell that he's not quite comfortable with going there, you know? He's still got a little bit of that "fuck you, I'm Hugh Dillon" wall up. And he rocked the Flashpoint pilot, but this... this was a whole other level. This was "hi, would you like to see into my soul? OKAY THEN" and it was AMAZING and I was sitting on my couch STUNNED and part of me was like, "Oh, ED" and part of me was going, "OH MY GOD HUGH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME?" and... OH MY GOD. Wow. EEEEEE! "Tell me that's not how it ends." EEEEEE. *WEEPS*

Also, Greg is always amazing, but he was particularly amazing in this episode. Every time we watched that final scene with him (which was, um, several times, since it is possible that we felt that CERTAIN THINGS needed to be re-lived), where he's signing off on the report, I literally HAD to say out loud, "GREG, I LOVE YOU."

So. That happened. And it was pretty fucking awesome. There was also some lameness (dude, if the writers want us to be okay with Jules hooking up with Sam, MAYBE THEY SHOULD STOP GIVING HER LINES THAT EXPLAIN VERY GOOD REASONS WHY SHE SHOULD NOT HOOK UP WITH HIM), but really? They are doing some AWESOME things on that show, and I am VERY WELL PLEASED.

Also, since I have recently been named chairwoman of the Council for Hugh/Trent (♥), I would like to share the following picture with you (courtesy of the lovely china_shop, who shared even though she is not on board this particular train) because it makes me happy:

(Yes, I know this story has a sad ending. I am trying not to think about it. Heh.)

In conclusion, Sal is gone and I am saaaaaaaaaaad, but we had MUCH FUN while she was here, and Buca di Bitchin' (jarrow's awesome name for our now-annual Fan-Type Holiday Lunch) was delightful, and my DSSS story is posted (complete with my Annual Extreme Sleep Deprivation In Order To Meet Deadline /o\), I have recently received fabulous cards from ignazwisdom, snoopypez, mrsronweasley, and brooklinegirl, and Hugh is awesome, so. I guess I can't complain TOO much. ♥

i am a sad sad fangirl, flashpoint, seattle wins at fangirls, headstones

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