I don't even care about my own feelings.

Nov 20, 2008 09:24

Y'ALL. There has been GLEE in the past twenty-four hours.

First of all, there was Obama surprising Biden with cupcakes on his birthday. I still cannot believe this is actually going to be our administration. WE GET FOUR YEARS OF THIS, YOU GUYS. HOPEFULLY EIGHT. (And yes, I realize that the Epic Bromance is not really the key to a successful administration. But IT REALLY DOESN'T HURT, is all I'm saying.)

Then there's this whole Hugh and Callum situation, which… wow. I mean. Wow. Who are you and what have you done with our recalcitrant Callum? HMMM? ♥ ♥ ♥

Then last night College BFF heliangelas and I settled in with cocktails and S4 of The OC… I'm really only at about 2x18 in my watching, but I don't really care about watching this particular show in order and J was curious about S4 because she gave up before that when she originally watched it, so. Cage-Fighter Ryan it was! (RYAN. IS A CAGE-FIGHTER. THAT WILL NEVER STOP MAKING ME GIGGLE. AND YET IT'S ALSO KIND OF WELL DONE. YOU KNOW, FOR A CAGE-FIGHTING STORYLINE. SHUT UP. YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.) And EEEEEEE, we watched three episodes and y'all are right! S4 is super-fun! (And just for you, annavtree: I said, "TAYLOR, HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME?!" about a dozen times. At LEAST. Because seriously, Taylor, HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME?) And my desire to climb Adam Brody like a tree has not abated in the slightest. (I would not say no to Ben McKenzie, either, obviously. Or Rachel Bilson. But there's something about Adam that just... mmmm. *licks*) The only problem is that we had to go to bed after three episodes, and as far as I know, RYAN IS STILL NOT SPEAKING TO SETH. And that is NOT OKAY. I REQUIRE RECONCILIATION. And actually-because I cannot access YouTube from work-my plan was to try to find transcripts this morning so that I could find out if there IS reconciliation. Because I REQUIRE ON-SCREEN RECONCILIATION. This is their first fight! They have been really gay in the poolhouse together over way more minor separations! Do not let me down in your relentless focus on the Seth/Ryan, show!

But I cannot FIND transcripts for S4. And now I am all desolate. So, um. Does anyone happen to remember if there's on-screen reconciliation at the beginning of S4? Maybe? *puppydog eyes* I just want to be prepared. For glee or disappointment!

So anyway. That's been fun. I do have one minor general-fandom rant, though, and that is this: "I'm a Dean girl." "I'm a Sam girl." "I'm a Kowalski girl." "I'm a Vecchio girl." "I'm a Ryan girl." "I'm a Seth girl." I just. What is this thing, with the drawing of the lines? I love them all! I fail at choosing! And one of the joys of these shows for me is that I don't have to. I sort of get choosing sides in a love triangle, or whatever. But in cases like these… there aren't sides to be chosen! Why does fandom have to create the competition when the show doesn't? And certainly in the cases of Sam and Dean and Seth and Ryan (and Vecchio and Kowalski, fanon-ly speaking), one of the things I'm drawn to is the relationship, the way they work together and fit together. I have a partnership kink the size of, like, Jupiter. So… I don't wanna pick sides! And it's not like anyone is trying to make me, really, but the fact that the discussion is so often framed that way makes me sad anyway, because then I get all defensive of the one who isn't chosen. Sigh. DON'T WANNA CHOOSE AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME. *smishes them all to my bosom*

And finally, Monday's episode of Chuck didn't do anything to discourage my desire for Casey/Sarah. Just, like, one time! Let's-not-talk-about-it comfort sex between equals! C'MON. It would be AWESOME. Also, gwyn_r, I thought of you when Casey was, um, assisting Chuck into the air vent. Heeee.

omg i actually do need an o.c. tag, yes we can, i am a sad sad fangirl, due south, supernatural, chuck

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