Every dream is born in waking, and every liar with the truth

Oct 09, 2008 11:22

Y'all, I am officially BURNED OUT. I have had, I think, ONE weekend with no plans in the past... oh... four or five months? I mean, I had a really, really awesomely fun summer, but it came on the heels of a con-stress and personal-life-stress-filled spring (and winter, for that matter), and then there was DS Match admin, and though I would not have traded any of those experiences for the world (well, I could have done without the personal-life stress, but otherwise), it's caught up with me like a ton of bricks in the past few weeks (past couple of months, actually, but denial is totally valid, right?). So while "too much fun" is a pretty awesome problem to have, as problems go, and I know that a lot of you are going through more serious problems at the moment... it's still a problem, you know? I haven't had time to write, I haven't had much time to sleep, or to just sit around and do NOTHING, which I really need from time to time. And I'm simultaneously feeling really overextended and also like I'm being a shitty friend because of all the stuff I'm NOT doing.

So. I just need to curl up in someone's lap and be petted for a while, and get some sleep, and have some time to myself, and I will be fine, I know. But. That's where I am right now, lame as I feel admitting it.

I'm also, like a lot of you, entirely obsessed with the (US) election; I'm doing that thing where I really really want to control something, but I can't, so I devour every piece of information I can find on it, like somehow if I just find the right combination of articles, they will interlock and spell out "OBAMA WINS YAY" in the sky. It's been fascinating and educational (and infuriating and exciting and exhausting), but oh my god, I don't know how I'm going to make it till Nov. 4.

Breaking news: I just had my annual review. (My boss didn't officially schedule our reviews, and now she has to have them done, only there aren't any meeting rooms available, so she's just grabbing us haphazardly as rooms open up. Soothing! My teammate iceunicorn has termed her the Review Ninja!) I was hoping for a salary bump since I'm working outside my job classification, but I just got a normal raise, which is a bit disappointing. However, I did get the maximum raise possible, and considering the current economic clusterfuck, I'm glad to have a job AND get a raise, and the review itself was GLOWING, OMG, so... whee! That is cheering! Yay for external validation! And some extra money! \o/

And just so this is not entirely about me... several weeks ago I pinky-swore to malnpudl that I would do the Sekkrit Questions meme in exchange for finding out what the Sekkrit Questions were, so. Here you go! I am including the Sekkrit Questions, however, since they have already made the rounds and they are not so Sekkrit anymore, so I might as well. I defy you, Meme Police! You can't get me, coppers! *sticks out tongue*

01. Someone who seems to have a lot of close friends. I'm going to have to agree with Mal and say brooklinegirl.

02. Someone you've known for a long time. rogairedubh wins this one. :)

03. Someone you'd like to trade places with. No one, actually. I'd like to temporarily trade places with AU!Brynn who lives in Toronto with catwalksalone and zabira and meresy, but. Aside from that. :)

04. Someone who seems likely to be a member of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. iceunicorn

05. Someone who seems easy to talk to. callumvixen

06. Someone who seems to have a lot of wild ideas / fantasies. I will also agree with Mal here and go with mrs_laugh_track and/or _unhurt_

07. Someone who seems like they were popular at school. Yeah, this is not really an LJ kind of question!

08. Someone you think you would have been close to if you went to school together. Tons of you! I will pick magic_8ball, since in some ways he reminds me of my best friend from high school.

09. Someone you want to stay up all night talking to. Oh god, this is an incredibly long list, even if I leave off the people I've actually been lucky enough to do this with already. china_shop, fahye, qe2, llassah, dugrival, pellucid, devilpiglet, dualbunny… to name a few!

10. Someone who can look after children. catwalksalone

11. Someone who seems to fall in love a lot. greensilver. Fannishly speaking. :)

12. A beauty. OMG, tons of you. pipsqueaky, dessert_first, slidellra… I could go on!

13. Someone who seems like a celebrity. musesfool

14. Someone who is girly (or manly). girlcakes

15. Someone you want to dress up as the opposite gender. Well, having seen pictures of lordessrenegade in drag, I totally endorse that.

16. Someone grown-up. kormantic, which does not stop her from being fabulously immature. ♥

17. Someone childlike. sansets, and I mean that in the best possible way. She's incredibly smart and level-headed and mature, but she's also got a core of glee that is pure, well, glee.

18. Someone who is like a princess / prince. gobi_rex belongs to the royal family, anyway. :D

19. Someone who seems capable. Quite a lot of you, but meresy jumps to mind.

20. Someone who has a unique view on life. loneraven (and I would very much like to live inside her shiny brain for a bit!)

21. Someone who you are grateful to. Also an extremely long list, but I'll go with sdwolfpup and danceswithwords.

22. Someone who makes you laugh. All of you, but I'll go with kanzenhanzai.

23. Someone you think of as your boss. troyswann. At least by a certain definition. :D

24. Someone who would kill you if you got on their bad side. Heee. I'm not sure any of you fit this description, actually! At least AFAIK.

25. Someone who seems good at seduction. kristiinthedark, apparently. *g*

26. Someone you think you could seduce. I could only answer this question for AU!Brynn!

27. Someone who loves with all their heart. zabira

28. Someone you want to see in cosplay. This is not really my thing, but… mrsronweasley seems like she'd be pretty awesome at this.

29. Someone you seriously want to go on a date with. Please see #26.

30. A message to all the above people. ♥!

Okay! So there you go.

SPN tonight! I won't be home till late-ish, but I'm still hoping to have time to watch it… I've had delayed-watching the past couple of weeks, and I miss all the LJ fun! Also, Chuck: AWESOME. SCC: AWESOME. And I woke up the other morning from a dream where I was about to make out with Michael Westen. Damn you, Puritan dreaming mind! OMG, speaking of Puritans (kind of), I discovered that Ginger Snaps Back is going to be on SciFi this weekend. So if you'd like to watch Hugh Dillon with extremely bad facial hair saying "Don't forget to say your prayers, ladies" (as well as play a little Canadian SPN actor bingo with Katharine Isabelle and Dude Who Played Max in "Nightmares"), this may be the movie for you! Fair warning: it sucks. Watch with friends or alcohol or both.

memeage, omg my life is thrilling, appreciation, politics

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