Advice plz!

Sep 25, 2008 10:04

I need advice, flist! I got notified last night that I'm supposed to be driving the crack_van for SPN for October. (I really kind of wish they'd notify you earlier, but I guess they've got a lot of stuff to juggle.) The problem is that I signed up to do that a year and a half ago, and I really haven't read much SPN fic for at least the past year. So my initial response is to pass on this one. OTOH, I do have a bunch of SPN fic bookmarked, and I've made enough SPN recs in my journal that I could more or less copy-and-paste those into the Crack Van format, so it wouldn't be a ton of work to put together 4-8 recs. And considering what an insanely prolific fandom that is, maybe it would be good to throw a few older recs out there that might have been missed by people who came into the fandom after they were written? Also, I've been looking at the memories and wow, the Crack Van drivers for SPN have really fallen down on the job (in terms of quantity of recs; obviously quality is subjective). Which is surprising, considering that there are SPN rec comms and sites all over the place. Though maybe that explains it--Crack Van is really superfluous in that fandom, though it was the first place I went when I started wanting to read SPN fic, so. OTOOH, DS Match just wrapped up and I am looking forward to having my fannish life be entirely my own for a bit (aside from guest-reccing for ds_recsredux next week, for which I still need to get together my recs list, lalala *hides from mods*). And of course SPN fandom will keep churning blissfully forward whether it's me or someone else at the wheel of the van next month.

ANYWAY. Do you think anyone wants gen recs from two years ago? Is really what I'm asking here. Is it worth the effort? I just can't decide.

I was reading through some of my old SPN entries last night, and the contrast really hit me, how much I used to love that show compared to my love-frustration relationship with it now. So that was kind of sad, but the upside was that it reminded me that really, it was just last season where the frustration really started getting entrenched, and that at least some of the WTF elements (like, um, Sam's storyline completely getting the shaft) can potentially be attributed to the writers strike. So... I dunno. Maybe it could be good again with us, SPN! Is what I'm saying. Hee. I really hope so.

In less ambivalent news, Mr. McK and I downloaded the season premiere of Chuck off of Amazon. I was entirely delighted by it. I love all the characters, but Casey, especially, I just love more all the time. It surprised me that that was the fall premiere I was most looking forward to, and it didn't disappoint me. It's funny, because I never really feel like I have a lot to say about that show, but it just makes me happy. So happy that I've been wanting to share my glee with people (again, not that I really have anything to say, just "EEEE! Wasn't that awesome?!"), but I don't think most of you have seen the premiere yet. So I will just randomly sprinkle you all with happy spyjinx sparkles! Whee! *sprinkles*

Speaking of spyjinx, a little while back Mr. McK became determined to watch Burn Notice, so we did. We're all caught up now, and it took a little while to grow on me, but overall I really enjoyed it. And I actually liked S2 better than S1, which I gather isn't a particularly common reaction. Maybe it helps if you watch it all at once? What I really enjoyed about S2 was seeing Michael on the ropes a bit. He's such a Gary Stu in a lot of ways, which is fine, because it works with the premise of the show, but I liked seeing him struggle this season, and come up against a worthy adversary. It makes his victories feel earned. Plus I liked that he and Fiona broke up; it occasionally provided her with something to talk about besides their relationship. I mean, I can totally go for Michael/Fiona, but it bugged me to no end in S1 that here you have this capable, kick-ass kind of woman, and all she ever does is harangue Michael with constant demands to talk about their relationship, act on their relationship, whatever. I get that he's important to her, but sheesh. It's a bit much. Of course, the entire show revolves entirely around Michael--Sam has/had his rarely-seen girlfriend, but really, aside from that, it's like Michael walks out the door and everyone just freezes until he comes back. I was joking with Mr. McK that if Sam and Fiona ever hooked up, they'd just sit around and talk about Michael all the time. Hee. But that's sort of part and parcel of the show, and I was more okay with it in S2; I think it's one of the things that prevents me from being really deeply invested in the story, but that's okay--it's shiny and fun, and clever, and I really don't need anything else to be deeply invested in anyway. *g*

AND: because it is fall, and fall is time for Jeffrey Foucault (it IS), I wanted to point out that he's updated his website with some new material, including some rough cuts, interviews, and live performances. I haven't had a chance to listen yet, but it's Jeff, so it will necessarily be awesome.

Last but not least: happiest of happy birthdays, pellucid and spuffyduds! You are both brilliant, talented women that I feel very lucky to have met.

Thursday already. How did that happen?! Not that I'm complaining.

supernatural, burn notice, jeffrey foucault, birthdays, chuck

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