Weekend adventures

Apr 21, 2008 17:15

Old news by this point, in internet time, but worth re-stating: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has been renewed for another season. YAY! And to think I expected this show to suck.

And new SPN on Thursday, EEEE! And I still have not watched last Friday's BSG. /o\ However, Mr. McK and I did watch Juno (me for the second time, him for the first), and I still adore it. *draws hearts around everyone involved*

My weekend felt about five minutes long, but it was filled with awesome nonetheless. I met up with the mind-bendingly lovely zabira for lunch (brunch, actually, as it turned out! MMMM, BRUNCH) on Saturday, which was fabulous. Y'all, how is Zabira so awesome? I DO NOT EVEN KNOW. Just… super-smart and funny and sweet and strong and CAPSLOCK PERSONIFIED. I adore her. So we chatted for a few hours about various topics near and dear to our hearts (the names Hugh and Callum and Paul may have been mentioned ONCE OR TWICE), and then headed off to belmanoir's house, where we met up with katallison and kormantic and mlyn to experience the joy of Chasing Rainbows.



So, Chasing Rainbows is a miniseries from the late 80s starring Paul Gross as JAKE KINCAID (and how awesomely romance-novel-y a name is THAT?), a WW1 soldier trying to make his way in the world after the war. (This gave Paul the opportunity to say "Passchendaele" several times, and I giggled EVERY TIME. "Passchendaele." It also gave him the opportunity to cry like a little bitch more than once. \o/) And there's a whole thing going on with his lover best friend/ex-CO and the best friend's fiancée, whose names I never managed to catch because, um, they were not Paul and there was quite a bit of mockery going on, so we may have missed some of the salient details, but whatevs.

What you need to know, however, is that Paul is ridiculously, insanely, smoking (literally! In the sense that he smokes! Which normally doesn't work for me with him but is somehow totally perfect and sexy here!) hot in this thing. Belmanoir has some picspam and clips here if you doubt me. PG in 20s clothes (suspenders! guyliner! wife-beaters! slacks that make his ass look FANTASTIC, and I am not even an ass girl!) is just… something I never knew I needed in my life until now. And he is REALLY YOUNG and PRETTY and NOT QUITE AS GOOD AN ACTOR (seriously, it's kind of encouraging, that even PG was not always exceptionally good at his craft-and by "his craft," I mean, of course, acting, because we all know his other crafts are perhaps not his strong suit) and it is kind of AMAZING.

Also Paul sings a bit (of course!), and one of the things he sings is "K-k-k-Katie, beautiful Katie," which explains to me a long-pondered mystery: namely, exactly wherethefuck Fraser is in the first part of "The Ladies' Man," because he is CLEARLY in an entirely different episode than Kowalski is. But I get it now! He's in Chasing Rainbows! Thanks for clearing that up, Paul!

And like I said in the cut-tag, this really should have been titled "Paul Gross Eyefucks Everyone Within a Ten-Foot Radius," because, MY GOD. It's like he can't turn it off! Constant strafing of everything in his vicinity with the lethal sexy! Men, women, fellow soldiers, cellmates, the shoe-shine guy (oooh, I need some shoe-shine dS fic *makes note*), it DOES NOT MATTER, Paul will EYEFUCK THEM ALL. It is really quite something. And he's earnest and sweet and has a perplexing accent-I have decided that that is the one genetic flaw that the Burns/Gross children must have: total inability to do accents-and there is major OT3 potential and I think the show might actually be better than we gave it a chance to be, with all of our mockery, but it is still cheesetastic and slashtastic and hot and we just got to the part where Paul inadvertently acquires a whorehouse, so CLEARLY, I can't wait to see more.

Kormantic also coined my new favorite euphemism, which happened like this:

PAULJAKE (to the fiancée, re: her wedding dress, in the filthiest bedroom voice you can possibly imagine): Put it on.
JAKE: Because I'll give you something no one else will.
FIANCEE: And what's that?
Kormantic: Twelve inches of PAUL GROSS.
JAKE: An honest opinion.
Kormantic: Twelve inches of HONEST OPINION.

*dying* SO AWESOME. So now whenever you solicit or receive someone's honest opinion, I expect you to dissolve into immature giggles, okay? I certainly plan to.

Anyway. It was excellent and the company was excellent and I love our local fans SO MUCH, I cannot even tell you. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

And then yesterday I took the dog to the dog park (rain! Snow! Sleet! And then, just as I was leaving, SUNSHINE! Thanks, weather!) and hung out with Mr. McK and watched some baseball (OMFG this closer-by-committee thing is going to kill me) and did some housework and talked to china_shop on the phone, which we have not done in WAY too long, and it was awesome, and before I knew it, the weekend was gone. WOE. *graspy hands at weekend* But it was lovely, and I am happy, and yay.

ION, Zabira has magical powers and managed to rip the audio track from Hard Core Logo, so I've been listening to it in the car and it is fascinating, just hearing it. I'm hearing things I've never heard, and I've seen that movie a horrifying number of times. Neat!

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo for my birthday. (Normally I at least attempt not to make a big deal out of my birthday, but this year I will be 30 and it's a milestone and I want to mark it, want to consciously move into a new chapter in my life.) I'm thinking a compass rose, maybe, if I can find a design I like, on the left side of my back inside my shoulderblade. An "it's about the journey" sort of thing, as well as a grounding thing, a reminder to trust my own direction (not my SENSE of direction, okay, I KNOW *g*). And I'd kind of like to incorporate a pen or a pen nib somehow, but I'm not sure exactly how to do that. But I'm excited about the idea now, so I'll see if I still want one when the time comes, I guess. I'm not sorry that I got my existing tattoo, but I do wish I'd chosen the design a little more carefully, so I don't want to be going through the same thing in ten years. Still. It's fun to ponder!

In conclusion: JIM HALPERT.

fans are awesome, omg my life is thrilling, oh paul

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