Jul 26, 2007 15:46
... I have the biggest brain-crush on Susan Coyne. She is my HERO. And I am watching an interview with her on the S&A S3 discs (the same interview that is/was up on the website, I believe), and she said this and I really wanted to share:
"I see a lot of shows about theatre, and generally, they're about how silly theatre people are. And I think that's kind of, in some ways, a given, you know, I mean, in some ways. I never get to see how important it is at the same time, and it was really very… it mattered a lot to me to be able to convey to people how it could really be a passion in life, and how it might matter in some way. Not only to the people who do it, but to the people who come and watch. That it might matter, what we do."
And this was the thing that surprised me about S&A, that it's not just about the absurd aspects of theatre, it's about the sublime, too. (And it's not just about art, either, it's about life.) And really, you can substitute your art in there, whatever it is--writing, visual art, hell, even substitute fandom. That it might matter, what we do. Yes. That's it exactly. I love that. I believe that.
slings and arrows,
susan coyne is my hero,