Particularly shameless

May 31, 2007 08:38

This has not been my best week ever in pretty much any area of my life (including, as you are all well aware, here on LJ), and I have nothing of any real interest or profundity to offer, but I thought it was important to share the following:

1) Today is Hugh Dillon's birthday

2) That is two days (and, OK, about fifteen years) before mine

3) Therefore, we are soulmates. QED.

What? IT'S TOTALLY TRUE. (Seriously, why am I completely unsurprised that Hugh is a Gemini? *pets his contradictory nature*)

Oh, and there is also this--yesterday sdwolfpup and I were discussing the uncomfortably high profile of fandom at the moment, and she mentioned that our wonderful Attorney General is suggesting jail time as a punishment for copyright infringement. And while I don't think that's particularly likely to come to pass--our prisons are overcrowded as it is, and I'm much more worried about things like hefty fines--it did lead to this conversation:

Brynn: I will say this: can you imagine being in prison with fandom people? It would be the most awesome prison EVER.

SDW: *dies* God, don't get on fandom's bad side. They will CUT YOU.

Brynn: Totally! And there would be, like, porn signups! And Prison Ficathons! OMG I KIND OF WANT TO GO TO FANDOM PRISON NOW.

Seriously, you guys. We could all write fic all day! And maybe have time to work out and stuff! And we have all been educated in proper prison conduct by everything from BSG to dS to Prison Break to Supernatural! I AM SO READY FOR THIS!

Anyway. That's all I've got for the moment. There will be porn later, barring any major disasters. *crosses fingers*

ETA: Was there a new episode of Durham County on Monday?

i am a sad sad fangirl, random

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