They're just donuts, you know. They're not love.

Apr 27, 2007 10:07

I stayed up way too late a couple of nights ago and am still sort of paying for it, and my hormones hate me, so I am feeling a bit subdued this morning, and not much like talking. Which is sad in that there are many exciting things to talk about, and I'm afraid I won't do them justice.

For example: I thoroughly enjoyed both The Office and SPN last night, but I don't have much to say about either of them at the moment. Well, I have a little bit to say about SPN: I am still really enjoying how they're slowly expanding the world of the show, and how we're seeing bits here and there of the effect that the Winchesters are having on it. I like that they're getting in trouble with the law, and that there are people they've saved who are willing to vouch for them-though, of course, they can't really explain why. So far, I think the writers are striking a good balance between bringing in elements that ground the show a bit and provide new storytelling opportunities, while still allowing me to maintain my suspension of disbelief. It's been neatly done, IMO. I do kind of wish that the people willing to vouch for/be sympathetic toward the boys were not all women, but seeing as SPN has generally done a lot better with female characters this season (and speaking of which, WHERE IS ELLEN LATELY?), I will let that rest for now. And re: next week's preview: I should just start saying oh, Dean right now, shouldn't I? So I'm all warmed up.

Mr. McK and I also went to the shooting range again last night; this time we shot 9mms, and hey, those have a bit more kick than the 22s! Really fun, though. We tried a Springfield 1911, a Glock 17, and a Glock 26, and you know, I thought I would be all about the semi-automatic weapons, but really? I'm more immediately comfortable with the revolvers I've tried. Though that may just be because they are much easier for me to load-I so completely fail at loading the magazines on the semis. I mean, I'm sure I'll get better over time, but right now? It's pretty pathetic. I spend five minutes loading the magazine and then one minute shooting and then I have to load the damn thing again. Hee. And my accuracy still leaves a lot to be desired, but that will come with time, too. I have several things that I've learned that I think might be of interest to y'all in terms of writing SPN fic or dS fic or the like, so I'll try to put something together to post next week.

Other things that happened last night: I got notified that I am supposed to be driving the crack_van for dS for May. MAY, PEOPLE. As in, NEXT WEEK. When I signed up to do it, it was this nebulous future thing, oh, yeah, I'd like to do that someday. And now I have to do it next week, and as soon as I got the email, I got all flaily: I have never driven the Crack Van before! I have been in this fandom for approximately five minutes! What if there are totally awesome fics out there, deserving of love, and I have not read them, and so I cannot rec them and they will go unloved and it will be ALL MY FAULT? In the words of Jim Halpert: this is the smallest amount of power I have ever seen go to someone's head. Heee. So I took a deep breath and reminded myself that this is Crack Van, not a sacred duty, and I have a whole bunch of fics bookmarked that I adore, and it's going to be fun. And now I'm excited about it. \o/

Something that did not happen last night, but was awesome nonetheless: I finally got to meet jarrow272 on Wednesday night, and he was every bit as funny and sweet and enthusiastic and generally awesome in person as he is online. He also put up with sdwolfpup and I taking frequent conversational trips to Canada, and considering he has not yet (YET, I stress) been initiated to the many joys of Canada fandom, he was very patient with us. There were cheese fries, there was alcohol, there was conversation that was wholly inappropriate considering the kids sitting in the booth right behind us, there was squee and laughter and snark and I believe at one point I may have gone ten whole minutes without mentioning Hugh Dillon, so it was all a fabulous time, and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

Finally, justbreathe80 is doing a fangirl crush meme over in her LJ, so it's time to anonymously (or not) confess your crushes, if you have not done so already! And for the people who have mentioned my name over there, whoever you are: thank you so much-I'm kind of stunned. Because, like I said above, I've been in dS fandom for approximately five minutes, and so the fact that I'm on the radar for anyone is just another indicator of how much this fandom freaking rules in so many ways. Y'all are so unbelievably welcoming to newbies, which is particularly amazing in that the fandom is already filled with so many wonderful people, so enthusiastic, so amazingly talented, so fun and funny and smart and so very delightfully porny-you have brought much joy to my life over the past months. So thank you, sincerely. My most heartfelt Paul Gross Arms for all of you:


personal, due south, supernatural, appreciation

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