
Feb 01, 2006 08:15

Can you believe it's February already? January flew past so quickly.

Neo is doing wonderfully. He had a "slow" day a couple of days ago, but I think part of it may have been because I had the heat turned up in my room and it was very warm in here. He's not too fond of the heat, really. This morning he's very bouncy and playful. He's been chasing me around the house while I get ready for work. I love it when he grabs at my socks and pulls my feet. Is it annoying sometimes? Well, yeah, absolutely. Definitely, when I'm in a hurry. ~l~ But it's also a game that he's kind of grown out of now that he's getting older, so it's especially cute when he wants to play.
He seems to enjoy tunneling more than ever, lately. I've caught him crawling in and out of the sleeves of my coat, or through my pantlegs in the laundry. I'll need to look into getting some more tunnels for him to play in.

Work is slow and somewhat boring. But it's also nice that there's not as much volume as around Christmas. All of the sections are getting straightened up and cleaned and re-alphabetized, so product is not only easier to find, it's easier to put away. I could have slapped Karen yesterday because she was fucking up the DVD section, where I audited about a week ago. She knew she was doing it and when I brought it to her attention she shrugged it off. It bugs the hell out of me when it's STAFF buggering up the sections, and not customers.
But that's a completely different thing and I won't go into it right now.

I'm really excited about joining Primerica. Some people have warned me about it being a pyramid company. It doesn't seem to be, but even if it is, I think I can deal with it. Even if I stay at the very bottom of the ladder it's better pay than what I'm making right now -- by a significant margin -- so I can hardly see it as being a drawback. ~laughs~

Tine to get ready for work. Happy February!
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