Some random bits.

Jan 22, 2006 02:19

Watched "The Sleeping Dictionary" tonight. Verreh good. Kind of a chick flick, kind of a horny guy flick, altogether well-done. Lots of pretty scenery, among other things. And macaws! I have a soft spot for macaws.
Jessica Alba is the lead female role. Normally I kinda think she's over-rated, but she was good in this movie.

Saw 2 comes out on DVD this Valentine's Day. I, personally, find this to be absolutely hilarious.

Lacuna Coil are touring with Rob Zombie this summer in Canada and the States. They're playing the Kool Haus in Toronto at the beginning of April. I wanna go. ~pout~

Eric likes John5. I'm amused. We were jammin' to Vertigo. It always amuses me when people old enough to be my parents like the same music as me. Especially when it's music from my generation, as opposed to theirs.

It's so past my bed time. ~sags~

Wandering from you
Falling at your side
Wandering from you
Healing my desire

Stumbling in your soul
Give yourself to me
Hurting your desire
Healing mine
- Lacuna Coil, Comalies
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