Keeping busy......

Feb 27, 2008 22:40

My honey left for Iraq yesterday so I'm trying to keep busy and distracted, but I still find that I am delaying going to bed. I guess my subconscious won't let me forget that he won't be there on his side of the bed.

I'm not the only one suffering from his absence. Both of the dogs are depressed that "daddy" isn't here. Particularly Kanga. She misses her pillow, which is what he becomes while watching television in the evenings.

Today I started up the tractor and did some much needed maintenance to the roads here on the property. The rainstorms from the past couple weeks have left us with tire ruts and huge crevices where runoff has drained across the property.

After a little over 3 hours of moving DG and using the box blade to smooth things up, things are looking a lot better. At least when I fed the horses this evening it didn't feel like I was going to crack the axle on the mule on the rough terrain. Of course, now my neck and face are sunburned, but I've never been a beauty, so I guess a littler weathering isn't going to ruin me.

Well, one day down............96 more to go.............
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