Oct 27, 2007 21:13
It has been a really long time since I last blogged. Not since the middle of August actually. I know exactly why this is. I haven't really wanted to document any of my life for fear of having to remember it later on, or for fear of boring you people (all three of you) to death :) Plus I've been sickeningly busy and figured the spare time I did have to write would be put to better use in attempting to make something of this novel I'm trying to write.
So in case you're interested I'll give you the cliff's notes version of the past two months in the life of Brynna. Boring is one adjective that comes to mind. Stressful is another. I work alot. It's not that I have a bad job or anything, as far as job's go it's relatively harmless. It's just that I don't like to work. I have so much school work to do and I really want to write and it's just too damn hard to do all this plus spend all this time working. Plus let's face it, folding clothes, not too stimulating.
I really can't think of anything else of note that would be interesting to mention. I have done next to nothing. Well Amanda got married, which was, still is weird. But in a good way. I can't believe she's having a baby and has a husband, it's crazy. Makes me really realize that I'm an adult now, well as much as an adult you can be still lving at home and living off your parents. I had a near panic attack a couple weeks ago when it suddenly occurred to me that I'm actually in my 20's now. I turned twenty almost two months ago and it just occurred to me that I'm no longer a teenager. I'm not ready to not be a teenager anymore! I still have stuff to do. I had all these things I thought I would have done by now.
I went to the Surrey International Writer's conference last weekend. It was informative and good. I met with an agent and it went really well. I have no expectations of procurring an agent this early in my career, but she was super nice and made me feel real great about my work.
I'm going to Florida at the end of December/First week of January. I'm going to see Claire. I can't wait. I also can't wait to see Scotty, who will be there. And Jimmy and Ryan and Matt and Chase, even though I haven't talked to any of them in ages. And maybe just maybe Kelly will come out and that would be amazing. If only Wendy could come :)
Mom and dad are gone for a week now for a cruise from Seattle to,well here, then back to Seattle. They are with the jeffery's. So I've been left to my own devices this week.
I'm watching Grease 2 right now. I know its' corny and cheesy, but that's just what I'm in the mood for right now. That sort of old school corny love story. I just finished reading these books that I absolutely love: Sooner or Later, Waiting Games and Now or Never, all by Bruce and Carole Hart. They were written eons ago, the first two before i was even born. Though there's nothing really in there that dates them except for a few minor things. Anyways they are everything a good corny cheesy love story should be, and more. Funny story about these books. The first one is actually a novelization of this TV movie they made in 79. Well I read the books ages ago, I've read them over and over again, never saw the movie. Then this summer I was in Virgin in Downtown Disney and was searching for Something About Mary and right there was Sooner or Later, this DVD of this ancient TV movie that I had been searching for for years. Like five or six years I've checked dozens of DVD stores and found nothing. Then sitting there in Virgin there it was. Some sort of awesome. It is also ridiculously cheesy, but perfect because it is so.
So anyways I just finished rereading these book for the billionth time and as much as I love them, I despise them, because finishing such a good book puts me in a massive funk. It's the same when I read Harry Potter or Twilight or Sloppy Firsts. Because all you want to do is make the story of that book you were reading go on, you don't want to read anything else. And the lines start to blur between reality and make believe and you get so god damned attached to these characters that any other character seems trivial. You want to know these people, you want to know about their lives past the point of the last page. It drives me up the wall.
So after I read such amazing work, I can't freaking write my own books either. Which is why I'm watching Grease 2 right now. Because I can't read or write but I need a fix of corny cheesy love to get me through this difficult time. I'm insane and that is all right by me.
Across the Universe is haunting me. I saw it in the theatres a couple weeks of ago and I really liked it at the time, but then I downloaded the soundtrack and I love it. It’s the best soundtrack ever. The version of I Want To Hold Your Hand is amazing. So now I need to see the movie again cause I love the music that much more and now I know every last lyric, so I need to go back and sing along.
Pride and Prejudice is also haunting me. I’m obsessed with this movie. I even read the book a few weeks back. But mostly the movie, the version with Kiera Knightley. It’s not corny, nor cheesy, but it’s beyond perfect love. I need to teach myself to write this stuff. If I could write a book that encompasses all the amazing things about Sooner or Later, Pride and Prejudice, Twilight and Grease 2, then I would have the most amazing book ever. I need to write this stuff because there is so much freaking crap out there in the YA genre and I want to bring amazing back. Very few YA writers today capture me. And it’s not because I’m not a teenager anymore, admittedly my tastes have grown as I’ve aged, but the really good YA books, I still love reading those. So what I need to do is write one of those really good YA books that will stand out from the drivel out there today.
I’m rambling, I’ve lost you all. This is what happens when I read good books, see good movies, watch good TV. I don’t’ want to copy them, but I want to make something just as amazing, and I get all weird in the head trying to do it. I should go back to watching my movie and trying to come up with the plot to the next great YA novel.