Warning About Rogers Wireless

Sep 08, 2008 11:46

I have much to blog about over the past week, and I will, but first I'd like to bitch.

I never do this, I never rant about companies like this. I'm so pissed off right now that I want everyone to know what a shitty company Rogers Wireless is.

So to anyone I know who may be subscribed to Rogers for thei cell phone service,

I just wanted to warn you of the horrible company that I have been with for the past three years. My entire family's contract was due to expire at the end of this year and we were all gearing up, getting ready to get new phones. Yesterday my mom called up to ask a question and was told that our contract had been extended by a year. This is not something we had agreed upon. When we first bought the phones we asked they be set up with a family plan and only a few months later did we realize we weren't on one. So later my mom called to ask they rectify this. They did, but tacked an extra year onto our contract as well without informing us this would happen. Now we're trapped with 4 year contracts on crappy phones that are dying. If we 'upgrade' to new phones that will only extend our contract further.

If you or anyone you know is with rogers and you've made any changes, however insignificant to your phone, I strongly advise you call them right now to see if they've extended your contract. After some research I've discovered they do this often and hundreds of people are getting screwed over. Some for just adding text messaging to their plans! When we changed our plan we ended up paying more for less service!

Today I'm cancelling my service and going to Virgin Mobile. I'll never work with Rogers again. Not even for the blessed iPhone. I suppose FIDO is probably just as bad.

Sorry to bend your ear, but it's important people know they could be getting screwed over majorly. If you agree or are as pissed with the company as I am, please do send this on to your friends. The more customers I can alert to Rogers deceit, the better.

Brynna Gabrielson
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