Feb 28, 2009 09:12
Negative reviews are an interesting thing. I don't get that many but it's funny how one negative review or PM can make you forget dozens of awesome, glowing reviews.
When I wrote the first draft of Some Rise By Sin, I wrote the story I always wanted to read. I pulled Alice and Jasper front and center and gave all of my favorite characters things to do. I meticulously thought out the powers and the conflict and the characters. And at the top of the document, in the header, I wrote "Take your time!" The story has a slower pace than my one-shots, true, but it is supposed to read like a novel. The action will pick up, but I have to get everyone and everything into place. I tend to be very detail oriented and I would never write like...Alice getting taken in chapter one, battle in chapter four. Unrealistic and just not my style.
Anyway, whatevs. I'm going to tell the story I want to tell.
OK, rant over.
I posted a new chapter of RBTL (finally!) but now I have to clean up the next few chapters of SRBS to send to the betas. At some point this weekend, I have to clean my house and do laundry. The clutter in this house is driving me nuts.
I made a decision to just cut back on the review replies and continue with RBTL whenever I can. I work for a huge corporation. I am the lead graphic designer/GUI developer for the websites team but we are all being impacted by the crazy economy. Because of that, work just takes precedence right now. I have strict deadlines to meet and if I don't meet them, I'll cost the company money and endanger my job. My writing time has been cut way back which means I either fill it with review replies, or I fill it with writing. For now, I choose writing. I hope everyone will understand.
So who is ready for spring? It's already getting warmer here (not that it was ever truly cold) and I kind of am dying for some hot weather and maybe a little rain.
OK, enough rambling...off to start laundry and clean up from breakfast!