[006] Truthiness

Aug 15, 2011 19:00

~Part One~

[It had been a few days since Bryn had gone on her late night stroll around the Keep grounds, and a bit longer still since she had confessed to Alex her secret. Surprisingly, nothing had gone wrong. Alex had greeted her news with joy, and most of the other guests she had run into in her other form had been rather pleasant, if not completely intrigued and fascinated. Their reactions had all gone a long way toward making Bryn feel more comfortable with who she was.

With her intention to enjoy her other form more, Bryn knew it would be wise to get this informate out into the open sooner rather than later. That she hadn't been attacked on the basis of some perceived need for self-defense had been very lucky.

Before all of that, however, Bryn made her way down to the kitchens to find Joe. He had been the only one to suspect her secret, and scared, she'd denied it. How convincing she'd been was up for debate, but she owed it to him to at least tell the truth before making a Keep-wide announcement.]

~Part Two~

[After speaking with Joe, Bryn cracked open her record and took a deep breath. She set her entry up for video, and offered a hesitant, nervous smile.]

Hi everyone. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Bryn. I've uhm, been here for a while and...well okay. [Deep breath!] I just...thought I should let you all know that I'm a shapeshifter. I can turn into a cougar. I know some of you are familiar with, ah, other shifters at the Keep but I don't lose myself at the full moon so, well. The point I'm trying to get to is that I'm safe to be around and I won't attack anyone so please don't be alarmed if you see me around.

And well, I know some of you have questions so, I'll be be in the Keep up in that little gallery above the hall if...well, anyone wants to find me. There's a little harpsichord up here...

[She pressed a couple keys, which make little plinking noises, and then the entry stopped.]

[holloway's keep]

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