Nov 23, 2005 13:06
I was asked to take a load of donated relief items down to New Orleans last weekend. So I packed up and drove for 44 hours straight and went from Eureka MT, to New Orleans. The news "coverage" is greatly lacking as to the true levels of destruction that has been visited upon that city. The sheer amount of work and sacrafice that is in the future for that city is truely overwhelming.
Bourbon Street IS open still. I spent Monday night (Mondays are very slow there) wandering the street and looking at all the stuff you can buy. I met a girl there that wanted to have lunch with me(her unprompted request) the next day but I did not stay long enough. very strange the way things seem to work out. I have been looking for someone for 7 years and when I find a possible connection it has to be 2700 miles away. It is kind of strange but the farther away that I got from New Orleans, the worse things got. Like someone was trying to tell me something.
I took a flight back to Kalispell MT, only to find that my bags did not make the trip with me. So I got to spend a night in the lobby of an airport watching as each successive flight came in, hoping that my bag was on that next plane. During the course of events I searched for my car keys so that I might return home and found that I had lost them somewhere between Kalispell and New Orleans. That is a pretty large chunk of land to cover and I really dont expect to ever see them again.
I had decided that if she had called before I had to leave for the airport that I would have stayed for awhile longer in New Orleans, but she didn't call so I will never know if I would have had the resolve to strand myself there by missing my flight.
Enough for now, Happy Thanksgiving all