Feb 15, 2005 23:02
if this was a newspaper article thats what the title might be. i love the collosal colon, however i was not about to crawl in it. if anyone doesnt know there was a giant replica of a coln in the westroads mall this weeken that u could crawl throuhg and see all of the cool disease ur colon could catch. i told my cousin that if he crawled through it he would come out a turd. there are lots of funy jokes u can make at a collosol colon. just think about it. too bad i didnt have my camera with me becuase it turns out that a lot of people like colons. even cute boys. there were like two working at the colon and one asked me if i wanted to crawl in.
today i was the type that gives and i gave blood for my very first time. it was kinda a dumb long process. they asked lots of questions that involved 1977 and made me watch legally blonde while i waited. i got kinda nervous though when i sat down in the chair and it did not help that the boy next to me chickened out and quit after the old lady (that seriously went so slow and was scaring me cause i thought she was going to die while taking my blood) put the needle in. but i kicked his ass cause i gave all my blood superstar style. i only got a little dizy at the end but pulled through like a trooper. hah showed u ugly haired boy. one thing that reallllllly pissed me off was the all the like sorority and fraternity kids got like really cool neon bandaging and all i got was a clear piece of tape and a stoopid sticker. ugh.
well i realized that all i have to talk about are colons and blood donating and they told me not to exercise to hard and i live journaling is like my only form of exercise cause i havent been to yoga once since i signed up a couple of weeks ago. oh well smell u later