*blink*........ *blink* *blink*... *blink*
i have never had a little meme quiz get me so wrong. and that is
saying something considering the screw-ball answers i get from these
things. normally when they're off, or not interesting, i don't post
them, but this is so incredibly ...not, that i thought it had some
comedic value. i was going to summarize it, pointing out the
wrongnesses, but then that took too much effort. so i'm just putting it
up as is, and depending on how well you know me is how many fallicies
you'll see, though it doesn't take much to get the general idea. it's
kinda like one of those how-many-things-can-you-find-wrong pictures:
The Upright Oval
Your personality matches Geometric Profile Number 30
This is all a matter of perspective,
but you’re kinda boring, aren’t you.
Sure, you’re a healthy-minded individual… solid direction…strong moral
principles, but my god…please get some passion in your life OTHER than
politics. BUY it if you have to. In fact, I know this one girl downtown
who…wait. Nevermind.
You’re a good person, and shit pisses
you off occasionally, but does it ALWAYS have to be the Republican’s
fault? It takes a lot to tip your emotions to either side, but it does
happen occasionally. I’d hate to find myself on your bad side, because
I’d probably have to listen to a half-hour diatribe on vegetarianism
over hummus and soy cheese appetizers.
i gotta say, this is somewhat similar to the view that my seven
and nine year old cousins have of me, which really makes me
question/wonder about the person who made this thing...
(according to them, i'm the most boring person alive. because i read.)