Ladies and gentlemen, i would like to have a moment of silence.
Now, as you all may or may not remember, i had a car. It wasn't much of a car, but it showed a lot of character, charisma, and many many bumper stickers. It was my 1995 Chevrolet Cavalier. A little red V4 that could match wits with any car. At least i liked to think so.
However, the car was becoming old and decrepit. It was beginning to cost me more than i could afford. And was just unreliable. So, with as many good memories as that car has in it and as much as i hated to, i have parted with it. You may remember this:
Well, i have moved on. I ofund a very good car and got an amazing deal... i walked onto the lot not expecting much, when i was told that a car had arrived the very night before. A '99 model with just 20,000 miles on it... it had belonged to an old lady who has lost her license. Sad for her. Great for me. I got the car for $6,000. I am now proud to present my very own new used car, the 1999 Ford Taurus SE:
It's got a 24 chamber V6 engine, very agile, very much a fun car to drive. I will miss the shitbox cavalier, but i think this is a worthy replacement.