I was shocked and sadden by reading the post on LJ's witch hunt here :
http://catrinella.livejournal.com/151812.html ********************************************************************
and LOL the guys at perverted justice are right, a copy of that post below
LiveJournal continues stupidity... just differently
Recently LiveJournal/SixApart deleted a ton of LJ's that violated their "terms of service." We went after LiveJournal/SixApart months ago, with a very specific list of pedophile blogs and communities. Not only were the staff at LiveJournal/SixApart beyond condescending and rude in their replies, they defended the advocacy of pedophilia and pedophile communities as being acceptable under their Terms of Service, something we contested in our original
Writeup about them.
So today, LJ decides to finally do something about the pedophile communities that had sprung up on their service. However, rather than listening to us months ago, they decided to just wipe out whole fields of communities whether they were related to those who advocate child rape or not. We're not quite sure who is running the show over at LJ, but until they state without condition that actual pedophile activists and those promoting child rape are disallowed from their service, we will continue to list them as an aggressive Corporate Sex Offender. Not to mention the fact that despite their taking down of a multitude of random LiveJournal accounts, they still haven't taken down a variety of pedophile LJ's that we reported MONTHS ago. Yes, even after this latest takedown "effort" on their part.
Apparently LiveJournal can't tell the difference between what a pedophile community is and a Harry Potter fan-fiction community despite being told months ago which is what.---- ( i just love that last part cause it's
so true!)
lj's reply to events above (i.e the witch hunt :
http://www.livejournal.com/ yeah like i believe anything they say anymore. more here and replies to it.
http://news.livejournal.com/99650.html I honestly thought better of them this, first the spinelessly giving into to the Warriors For Innocence .( It's makes me angry that they have the right to go through our lj's and just delete them cause they have a few key interest that are flagged by them.) Then they don't even a apologize or even give good reason as why they have started this WITCH-HUNT in the first place. I brake no laws, and I'm not going change my interest , even if they want to start flagging people's journals. They shouldn't have the power to do that. Unless a journal is clearly posting real child porn or say real snuff pics then that person should be removed from Lj. How very quickly lj's forgotten first amendment it all so very sad. :(
Dillon Smithson
Eta: my new browser doesn't allow me to cut and paste , so please tell me if got any of the above info wrong.
thanks :)
Eta 2 : I also enjoyed this post
http://www.greatestjournal.com/users/stewardess_/683.html and this one as well
http://news.com.com/Mass+deletion+sparks+LiveJournal+revolt/2100-1025_3-6187619.html?tag=st.num also