Sep 24, 2004 13:27
I was walking across campus past the Fine Arts building and I heard an orchestra of trumpets practicing outside of Corbett. I froze in place and listened in awe. Chills covered my whole body and for a few moments I felt so alive. I miss music. I miss performing. I didn't realize how much until right then. This emptiness that I'm feeling is not going to go away until I throw myself back into what I love. Why did I have to procrastinate over the summer and not prepare myself for the auditions this semester!? Why did I wait until Musical Theatre Perf. II was filled up, to try and sign up for it!?! Why am I not in chorus or taking voice lessons this semester!? These are things that are essential to me. Last semester I had monlogues to memorize and songs to analyze and practice and perform. This semester, I go to class and work and then come home. There's nothing in between. Nothing I'm required to work on. And I'm not used to that. Arg! It will get better. It will!