Sep 05, 2008 01:27

Heart does not approve.

I lolled once when they played Barracuda after McCain's speech, and now I'm lolling even more. "Sarah Barracuda" was Palin's nickname in High School, one can imagine why. The only bummer about this whole thing is that they're going to get some press out of it and Heart's going to make some new enemies; so far as I know they were never a political band.

Oh well, if Down's Syndrome babies and now even footage of the dead on 9/11 can be reduced to shameless political props, I suppose respecting the wishes of an artist goes pretty low on the list. Maybe McCain will come out against intellectual property oops I just lolled again.

If you saw the speech, I'm sorry. He was... pasty. Old and pasty. A great bio of a great soldier but he seemed confused; he told his audience they were corrupt, praised community organizers, and promised to abolish unemployment benefits because they're a relic of the 50's. ... oops i lolled again I can't help it.
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