Jul 07, 2009 09:01
Here's my dilema...My first reaction to this comment being from someone anonymous was something bitter and slightly rude...i wrote it then realized...wait...this is still one of my friends...so do i comment something along the lines of, "You commenting as anonymous proves my point..." or not comment anything...? Why anonymous? Why the anonymity? Ive gone over it again and again in my head trying to think of who would comment as anonymous and can only come up with one person...but of course I will never know. I could be completely wrong in getting this worked up about it...but ive never been attracted to "anonymous love"...
But it seems that as of late I might not need to even give another moments thought as to who commented as anonymous.
Someone asked me if i would go on an adventure with them. It was so small a question but she actually used the words, "would you like to go on an adventure with me?" No wedding bells of course...but it showed 1)her willingness to experience whatever life throws at her and enjoy it...and 2)wanting to enjoy it with me there. Our hug and kiss was nothing "anonymous." Awkward and short, maybe...two people willing to overcome (even for a moment) their own feelings of not being worth it; absolutely.
Something is to be said about heartbreak. After all's said and done, hopefully you've learned something. I learned to just go for it. Make it as awkward and as cheesy as possible if thats what it takes to hug her, or kiss her...but go for it. I learned that in looking for kisses in the rain and dances in the moonlight...I may have been missing something real.
Driving home from the other night was different that driving home from the evening with Katie. Katie was a rush...but this was a high. After Katie I wanted to make out with everyone...after the other night...I just wanted to be with her. I got to dance and sing to Spice Girls in the car and still wrap my blanket around her and be her "guy." No acting required.
It was nice.
But again...how do I introduce her to "anonymous?" How did you all introduce your "new" to your "old" (for lack of a better word...) Or were you able to even do that? If so...what am I to do.vEveryone always says that if everyone is mature enough than it won't be a problem...but I have my doubts.