Info taken from
here Cancer Zodiac Sign - ruled by the Moon.
Your Sun Zodiac sign may not best describe your personality features, your characteristics and general qualities which you bring to life. For many people, their Ascendant or its planetary ruler is the more obvious characteristic, or sometimes the Moon sign. Your Sun sign, rather, says more about the direction you should be moving in, so as to make the contribution to humanity you were born to make, and thus achieve a degree of personal fulfilment.
The sign of Cancer witnesses to the importance of a sense of belonging in human life. It is, more than any other, the sign of home and family, but, fortunately in view of the conditions of modern life, not necessarily home and family in a literal sense. Having the Sun in Cancer, what you are striving for, whether consciously or not, is a sense that, whatever your circumstances, there is a place on earth, or an experience, or a group of people, or an interest, which can give you a sense of belonging, where you can feel at home and that you are a member of a family.
The sign of Cancer also witnesses to the importance of roots, or origins, of considering the present in relation to the past. Many people feel they can ignore the past, yet feel something is lacking from their lives. Cancerians enrich the present by honouring its links to history.
Cancer Personalities - Traits of a Cancer:
* Steady
* Determined
* Reliable
* Stubborn
* Creative
* Kind
* Ferocious temper
* Lazy
* Habitual
* Loyal
* Generous
* Possesive
* Honest
* Financial wizard
* A comfortable life
* Independence
* Expensive things
* Delicious food & wine
* Beauty
* A beautiful home
* Gardening
* Nature
* Change
* Manipulative people
* Ugliness
* Betrayal
* Vulgarity
* Sex fiends
* Being controlled