Oct 10, 2005 14:24
Well we have completed the first two weeks of Sidewalk Sunday School. It has been Great. Our team is meshing well, and we couldn't have asked for better Interns. They are Kyle from Canada, Matthias from Germany, And Nicole from Switzerland. They all jump in and help wherever needed and are doing great with the teaching.
The first week We had a group from seattle go out with us all week. The leader of the group has been a close partner with the China Town division for a few years. He treated us all to a nice Malaysian dinner Saturday night. It was really great.
On Thursday I went and visited all my Sunday school kids,like I do every Thursday. I knocked on the door of a young teenager and his older brother answered. He said he would go get him. The young man came to the door and asked me to take him off the list. He said he was a little to old for "Yogi Bear". I told him he was never too old for God and that he should find a good church or youth group and I invited him to our youth program. I wanted him to know he could never outgrow God even if Sunday School was no longer interesting. I also spoke to another young man who wants to be a worker. I told him he needed to come every week, and he showed up on Friday. I am excited to see if he continues to be faithful. The funniest thing I saw this week on visitation was a 4 or 5 year old boy who came to the door completely naked. He was as unashamed as Adam and Eve before the fall. He excitedly showed me his game boy. The most interesting thing about this was that his mom was not the least bit fazed or embarrassed about his nudity. It is a different world here.
On Saturday it rained all day. So the parks where we usually do Sunday School on Saturday were completely empty. So we set up canopies next to where the kids get out of Saturday School, and did short Sunday School Lessons. One of the spots we picked happened to be right in front of a store front Buddhist Temple. WHere else can you do Sidewalk Sunday School In front of a Buddhist temple. China Town Rocks!!!!!!!!
ANyway, I am doing well and am looking forward to what God has planned for the rest of the semester.
Going Forward