Mind Blowing Phycology

Jan 26, 2007 22:06

In my phycology class we are learnging how the mind develops and what causes diferent peronalities and in some cases mental illness. The class is iteresting enough to make me want to be there and it even keeps me awake.

So here is a cool thing i learned about the mind. Beyond uncontious precontious and contiousnes there are tree diferent sections of the brain that influence decision making.
#1 The "Id" is the part of thought that wants everything instanly (eating, sex, ect.)
#2 The "Ego" is the part of the brain that mediates between the others, it plans and proritizes.
#3 The "Superego" is the part of thought that determines morals and whats right and wrong.

The superego is the only part of thought that people can grow up without, and once your past 5 to 9 years of life if you dont have it you will never have it. Becuase you dont have it it doesnt make you evil all the time but in most cases it does. Some of the deadliest serial killers, and hitmen were determind by phycologysts to not have the superego. They are good at what they do becuase they have no morals, they literely have no way of concieving that other people feal pain like they do. They also beleave they canont die.

But the craziest thing is that they are starting to find these mental illnesses in the owners of big buisnesses. These people can ruin thousands of peoples live without even fealing guilt day in and day out.
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