Today, before work I went shopping mith my mom for some more stuff for my dorm. We bought towels, tooth brush holders, soap containers.....and stuff like that. It may sound boring, but I was excited cause it is all gonna be my own. My mom and I were talking about me leaving and I told her not to be sad. We both almost started crying just talking about it. Yeah, Im really getting excited about leaving, and sometimes when i'm at home i can't wait till I'm out of the house, but when it comes down to it, I'm really gonna miss my family. And of course I'm gonna miss all my friends too!!!!! Well, I had another pretty good day at work. I bought this wallet that I've been wanting forever.
I absolutely love it! It will remind me of my diner days.
Ok, so I was at work, and near the end of the day the guy that makes the desserts came up to me and was like, "So, was I helpful today?" and I was like "Yes, thankyou!" Well, a couple of minutes later he came back up to me and was like, "So are you gonna do anything to show your appreciation?" Thats when I realized I was supposed to tip him! I felt so bad, cause I hadn't tiped him the night before either, so I gave him $7.00. Oh well, now I know. Well, after work, I went over to Kelsey's house to watch a movie with her, her boooooyfrieeeend (ah! I'm so excited!!!) and Tierney. We watched Stir of Echos, which was kinda scary, but it was still the usual story of dead people communicating with the living in order to get revenge on their murderers. Yeah, well thats basically all I did today.