~* A Lil About Yours Truly *~

Feb 24, 2004 22:59


First Name: Brittany
Middle Name: Kathleen
Last Name: Casey
Nick Name[s]: Britty, BGB, and a few special ppl can get away w/ Britt but I hate that
Gender: Girly Girl
Age: 18
Birthdate: September 6th, 1985
Height: 5'9
Hair Color: Brown with blonde highlights
Eye Color: Dark brown
Ethnicity: white
Glasses: used to...long story
Contacts: nope
Braces: had em in 3rd grade
Hair Short or Long: short n flippy
You Were Born Where: Charleston, WV
You Now Live: Wythevizzle...but I miss WV :-(
Astrology Sign: Virgo
Chineese Zodiac Sign: Ox
Nationality: Irish
Tattoos: Not yet
Want Any?: Obviously


Do You Have Any Pets: yeah
Name[s]: Chopstick/Spot
Type Of Animal[s]: doggies
Have You Ever Had Any Other Pets Then Mentioned Up Above: Puff/Blackie(dogs) Sassy/Lucy/Moo(cats) Shelly/Shibby/Mozzletoff/Bubba/Sandy/Big Daddy/Mr.Bojangles/C.L./Sydney (hermit crabs) Jesse/Princess/Prince Charming/Dave(fish) Myrtle/Turtle (turtles) Chance(guinea Pig) Sunny(horse) *think that's all*


Current/Supposive Grade: Freshman in College
Favorite Grade: prolly senior year of h.s.
Worst Grade: 8th (first year of high school)
Favorite Teacher: too many...
Worst Teacher: ugh, even more of those....
Favorite Subject: English/Spanish
Worst Subject: Math/History
School Sports: Tennis/Band(if that counts)


Number: 6
Clothing Brand: Old Navy/AE/Abercrombie/Gap
Shoes: MY PINK TIMS and Flip Flops
Sport: tennis
Vegetable: ewwww....
Fruit: pear/watermelon/strawberry/cherry/peach/pineapple
Candy: non-chocolate stuff
Gum: I'm a diehard Big Red fan
Scent: Tommy Girl/Curve/Abercrombie 8 and Tommy for guys
Ice Cream Flavor: peanut butter
Color: pink
Season: fall/winter even though summer means it's lifeguarding time
Holiday: Chirstmas/My b-day/Halloween
Band: a lot
Singer: Hilary Duff
Type Of Music: Country and some other stuff like Hilary!
Fast Song: hmm....
Slow Song: My immortal
Place To Be: "u can take the girl outta WV but u can't take the WV outta the girl"
Restaurant: Peking/Applebee's/Taco Bell/Chic-Fil-A
Boys Name: Austin Blake
Girls Name: Molly Olivia
Car: Dodge Ram (pink) *my next vehicle baby!*
Swear Word: fuck/douche bag
Word: Clearly
Possesion: hmm...tough choice

[.Whats The First Thing That Comes 2 Mind When You Hear....]

Eminem: mmmm... :-)
Hot: can't say his name, *LoL*
Britney Spears: love her
Orange: juice
Fuck: YOU
Bisexual: Sam
Jack: Dawson's Creek
Rainbow: gay
Cherry: cute/love em!
Shark: nemo
Lifehouse: ok....

[.Private Life I.E Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll...]

Boyfriend Or Girlfriend: nope, but I got one in mind...
Crush: yeah...crushin hard!
Do You Love Anyone Right Now: anyone like who? yes I do, my friends/family!
Have You Ever Been In Love: yeah, a few times
Ever made out with anyone you dont know?: nah, I know em all...I think?
Still A Virgin: YEAH BABY! Me n Joe are the presidents of the V-Club!
How Many Hearts Have You Broken: a few...
How Many People Broke Your Heart: lost count..happens a lot for me
Whats Your Dream Guy/Girl Like: I know exactly who he is but can't say here!
Do You Go More By Looks Or Personality: personality
Ever Kiss A Friend: sure have
Are You Still Friends: yep

So Moving Along..

Ever Trip On Acid: nope
How About A Little xTc: nah
Crack, Heroin, Anything Else: nope

[Would You Ever]

Bungee Jump: done did it
Sky Dive: maybe...
Swim With Dolphins: yeah
Scuba Dive: perhaps
Go Rock Climbing: if i knew i wouldnt fall and die
Eat Shit For $1,000,000: prolly...depends on whose it was!
Change Your Religion: not for someone else, but for myself yeah
Cross-Dress: I think all girls do that when we go for the big comfy pants and bf's sweatshirt, no make up look
Lie To The Police: do it all the time
Walk Up To A Total Stranger And Kiss Them: not before talkin to them
Streak[run naked through somewhere for all you who dont know]: nah

[Your Friends]

Best Friend: Kayla/Tiff/Kendra/my crew at MU/lots more
Known Longest: Kayla *MY BEST FRIEND A.K.A. BGB* luv u!
How Many Friends Do you Think You Have: can't even count em, I have a ton!
How Many Do You Actualy Hang Out With: like 25 or so..but not at the same time!
Ever Lose A Good Friend Because You Took It To The Next Level: nope
Craziest: Samantha
Loudest: ME
Shyest: Tiff
Best Hair: Caitlin...the pink frizzies did it for me *LoL*
Can Always Make You Laugh: any of em
Best Eyes: Rachel
Best Body: a few of em...
Most Athletic: Kayla
Hot Tempered: lots!
Most Impatient: dunno....
Shortest: TISHA!
Tallest: Sade..6'4 I think? U go girl!
Talented: a couple of them
Best Singing Voice: Rachel/Ashley/Colleen
Skinniest: Alicia/Tisha
Nicest: all of em but Sierra came to mind first
Best Personality: All of em!
Biggest Drug User: quite a few, *LoL*


So What Are You Eating: nada
Anything To Drink With That: Watermelon Ice Gatorade
Whatchya Wearin: pj's (black comfy pants/Old Navy hoodie)
Any Shoes: jus socks
Hair: pony tail
Listening To Anything: my dog bark outside, *LoL*
Talking To Anyone: Jason/Courtney
Are You Artisitc: yes indeed
Are You A Fast Runner: only if somethin is chasin me
Are You Fat: OH YEAH
Do You Own A Hot Pink Shirt: more then one, PINK IS MY FAVE. COLOR! :-)
How About Orange Pants: I got orange cheerleading shorts!
Can You See The Flying Monkeys: wow, U can see em too??
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