Dec 12, 2005 00:59
1.Choose a band/artist and answer ONLY in titles of their songs: Death Cab For Cutie
2. Are you male or female: Technicolor Girls
3. Describe yourself: Soul Meets Body
4. How do some people feel about you: A Lack of Color
5. How do you feel about yourself: Stability
6. Describe your ex boyfriends/girlfriends: Someday You Will Be Loved
7. Describe current dating status: All Is Full of Love
8. Describe your best friend: We Laugh Indoors
9. Describe where you are right now: Scientist Studies
10. Describe where you want to be: Passenger Seat
11. Describe how you live: Champagne From a Paper Cup (yay for being a cheap college kid)
12. Describe how you love: I Will Follow You into the Dark ;)
13. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: A Movie Script Ending
14. Share a few words of Wisdom: Debate Exposes Doubt
15. Now say goodbye: Company Calls
I need to get something off my chest. I am in no way trying to toot my own horn so please don't feel like I think I'm the shit. Cause I know I'm not. Anyways....
Since I've gotten to school I've gotten more attention from guys. Whether it be just a look while walking down the street or an actual interest in dating. I don't know why this happened all of a sudden last year. I didn't think I had changed a whole lot since high school. Have I? I dunno but all I have to say is:
Where the fuck were you guys 3 years ago when I was available?!
Talk about bad timing. I guess it just bothers me because I felt unappealing to the opposite sex during my sophomore year and the beginning of junior year in high school. I felt like I wasn't flirty enough, or girly enough. And I could've used a little reassurance.
And I'm flattered by the attention now, but the attention that matters the most is John's because he knows me and still loves me hehe.
Studying for finals has been especially difficult because I just want to go home. I miss my family and friends. And it's really hard feeling all Christmas cheery when I have to worry about the torsional strain in alkenes. Tomorrow will be one of the most important days of the semester. I'll finish up my studying for my hardest classes. Tuesday I take finals for organic and physio. Wednesday is anatomy and abnormal psych both of which shouldn't be bad at all. I really want to get over a 92 or 94 on my abnormal exam because then I have an A in the class. The only A this semester hah! Wednesday day night I'm having a potluck dinner with my LKS ladies which will be nice. After that we're seeing a local band that my friend knows. We've seen them before and they're awesome. I don't know if we'll be going to their after party. Thursday I study for physics. Friday I take the exam at 8 am (ick) and I'm done!! Done with the semester and most importantly done with physics forever. That night I will hopefully be getting very drunk. And my friend Craig and I are going to literally burn our physics lab books. Because we can't sell them back and it'll feel amazing. Then Saturday midday my parents pick me up. OMG I can't wait to not use my brain for 3 weeks. Hehehehe.
Anyways I should be getting to bed now because I need to wake up early tomorrow. Goodnight...err morning. I can't wait to see you all!