Aug 13, 2007 15:14
So I'm back to classes after my week long vacation, and back to work as well. this week is cut short, so is the moduel. But Im not complaining, four days of four hours a day of JUST typing and speed tests for typing is enough to bore anyone silly, and is enough to drive anyone mad! Friday I get it off school as it's the "Gold cup and Saucer Parade". (Yes weird reason to have a day off class, but Im not complaining!)
had my Birthday yesterday, I am now officially a quarter of a century old :(. Didnt really do anything supurbe. Adam drove me to "Value Village" and then I came back home and we ate subway. I uploaded the rest of the Vacation pictures onto my facebook and that's about it. Adam's taking me out to dinner on Thursday, I'm hoping he takes me to St. James Gate, it's my new favourite resteraunt here on Island. and they may an amazing "Veggie mushroom burger" Goddess is it ever good!
I have to work today, so adam is planning on having dinner cooked for me by the time I get home after class. He's planning Itallian herb Risotto, Chicken, and Garlic Loaf. It's too bad I have to enhale the food and can't savur it before I head off to work!
Anyways, I should go as class is about to start again ( break is over) talk to you all later. and thankyou everyone that sent Bday wishes, and virtual Flowers and Fishes to me on my Face book site! I love that things it's so fun! And it's a good way to keep in touch with people!
Anyways, time to go.
Peace and Light.